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Rolling his blue eyes, Jon pointed his fork at the iPad propped on the table between himself and his buddy Joe. "Rollins, calm your girlfriend down," he spoke into the screen.

Joe laughed and took a bite of his toast as the raven-haired, green-eyed woman in the iPad screen clapped her hands happily. Colby sat beside her, pulling his two-toned hair into a ponytail. "What? She's happy for Joe, let her be," he said.

"Look at you, can't even stand up to your girl," Jon mocked, snickering when Colby promptly flipped him the bird.

"Shut up Ambrose," Lauren chastised, returning her attention to the Samoan. "About time you and Sasha patched things up, Joe. You two belong together. I was going to come over there myself and knock some sense into you both."

Joe chuckled. "No need for that, babe. It's all good between us now."

"And you love each other! That's so damn sweet," Lauren gushed, oblivious to Colby rolling his eyes behind her. "I'm so glad things are working out for you, big man. It's been a long time coming and you deserve every bit of it."

"Thanks, L. So what are you and Mr. Idiot doing? Hanging out at home?" the Samoan asked.

"Yep." Colby sighed and looked over his shoulder into the room. "We got somewhere to be in about half an hour but right now I'm still trying to pack for tomorrow."

Jon groaned. "I haven't even started," he stated, biting off half a sausage link. "Hey Joe, think you can get Sash to help me again? Last time she packed my suitcase in ten minutes."

"Hell no," Joe quickly dismissed him, "Do it yourself. Weren't you coping before she came along?"

"Yeah. But she's so much better at it," the younger man tried to reason.


Lauren laughed and checked her watch. "Well guys, we'd love to stay and chat some more but we need to get going," she said. "We'll talk later, Joe. Give Sasha a kiss from me. And no tongue for God's sake."

"You're no fun," Joe winked at her, right before she stepped out of the frame.

"Where's my kiss?" Colby asked his girlfriend, pouting.

"You come over here and I'll give you more than a kiss," the two men heard Lauren's seductive reply in the background, and they immediately pretended to gag. "Hey, we're eating over here," Joe complained, laughing when Colby made a face at them before logging off of FaceTime.

Joe put away his iPad as Jon picked up the pepper shaker. "Lauren's right though," he said. "It's great that you and Sasha are back together."

"Trust me, I'm just as relieved as y'all are," Joe replied.

"Lord knows if you didn't do something soon enough I might've considered whisking her away for myself," Jon added.

Joe smirked, raising an eyebrow. "Really?"

The Cincinnati native shrugged as he took another bite of his breakfast. "Yeah. She's sweet, feisty, a great cook, she takes good care of us and...well, she's pretty hot. I ain't exactly blind, ya know. I actually used to have a little crush on her very early on. I can say that now without fear of getting my ass kicked." At the look on his friend's face,he chuckled. "Relax, G.I. It was only a little one. She's only ever had eyes for you anyway. No one else stood a chance. Not me, not that slimeball Orton, not nobody."

Joe would have been lying if he said he wasn't glad to hear that. "Well, you got Renee now, right?"

Jon gave him a strange look. "Dude, we're not together."

Into The Deep End - A Roman Reigns StoryWhere stories live. Discover now