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"Dude, are you even listening to me?"

Jon Good's gruff voice yanked Joe back to reality, interrupting a very pleasant memory involving leftover strawberries, melted chocolate, Sasha's ass and his tongue, his thoughts vivid enough to tune out both the car stereo and his friend. Raising his head off of the window of the passenger's side of the car, he directed his glare towards the driver's seat. "You still yammerin' about the Monster Truck thing Renee took you to?" he said.

"I'm not yammering, have some respect," said Jon.

"Yes you are. And no, I'm not listening to you," Joe answered bluntly, resting his head back against the window.

"You ain't the only one, Uce. We stopped paying attention to him a long time ago," Jonny Fatu piped up from behind Joe's seat, eyes on his phone, cramped up in the back seat with his twin Josh and Colby, both of whom nodded their agreement with the statement. It was a long drive to the next town, and the last thing they needed to hear for the entire trip was Ambrose talking about shit they'd already heard a hundred times before.

Jon scoffed. "Please. You just mad I'm distracting you from your sexting session with Trin, you and your shitty-ass multitasking skills. You tellin' me you can't listen to me and phone-fuck her at the same time? And didn't you already physically fuck her last night? I swear everyone on our entire floor could hear you two." That was very possible. Jonny and Trinity were notorious for being a little loud in bed no matter where they went.

"Aye man, don't hate that I treat my girl right on the regular, Ambrose," Jonny countered. Joe rolled his eyes, sensing the pissing contest about to commence.

"And what makes you think I'm not doing the same with Renee? Because the entire state don't hear us when we go at it?" said Jon. "I just don't fuck and tell. But I'm definitely treating my girl right."

"Can you fuckers not start? Y'all are making me miss Gigi more," Josh whined, referring to his fiancée back at home with his baby son.

"At least y'all got someone," Colby muttered under his breath as he glared out of the window and crossed his muscled arms dejectedly.

"Now here's a guy who's definitely doing the business with his lady," Jon grinned, reaching over to pat Joe on the head. The bigger man instantly swatted his hand away like a pesky fly, causing the rest of them to laugh. "Dude, watch the fuckin' road," he grumbled at Jon.

"He's right though, Uce. We hear the stories. Your dumb ass is making the rest of us look like chumps," Jonny complained. "Trin told me about the suite you booked in Vegas for your anniversary. She was all up in my ear for a week asking when I was gonna get us a room like that."

Joe smiled dreamily at the thought of his girlfriend and the incredible night – and morning – they shared. "I'm just doing my thing, man," he said with a shrug. "Maybe y'all need to step up your game." Speaking of his girl, she hadn't called him in a while. He hoped everything was okay at the hospital.

"Alright, alright guys," Josh jumped in before his brother or Ambrose could protest. "I think we can all agree that we're all treating our ladies right and no one's doing better than the other," he said, quietly noticing Colby's sulky features and realizing how insensitive they were being. "Is that alright? Is that okay? Can we move on to something else now?"

Chuckling, Joe's gaze settled on his phone as it beeped with a text message. Sasha. Finally. There was a photo attached to the message.

Say hello to my niece, Imani Winter Melody Greene. 6lbs 5oz. New mama's doing great. So happy rn 😍🥰😘

 So happy rn 😍🥰😘

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