Magic Usage

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✌︎◆︎❒︎♋︎ pov

I watch calmly as Trevor is cleared to use his magic again, Devin and a few others close to him to take the journey of being erased for a time period, or maybe they'll come here, it's been so long, come hurry Trevor, it's time, you and i both know it, your time is up and HE belongs here more than you. And I can help you just have to bring me back.

Trevor pov

I sigh and shake my hands "a-are you sure i'm ready?" Brandon nods "yes, now we're all here, just give it a try" i gulp before nodding and closing my eyes letting my power wash over me, the familiar buzz sound in my ears and i let the magic free, a soft gasp from a female behind me but i ignore it opening my eyes and freezing seeing this place. "Oh no" i whisper, Devin takes my hand "it'll be fine" he says softly and i nodd, others around me are talking and looking around in awe of what it looks like "so you finally made it back here?" i jump as a voice speaks and before me stands a shadow "it's you!" Devin shouts, i spin to him "WHAT!?" i cry he gives me a sheepish smile "when you lost control they appeared in front of me" i shake my head sighing, as the shadow laughs "i apollogise i've been trying for years to get Trevor's attention, but he didn't notice me until his death." i freeze "what?" the shadow hums "you haven't told them? Oh me oh my, silly little Trevor, how long were you going to hide the fact you died by the hands of the Demon King?" i shiver stepping back. "You were what?" i hear Brandon ask shock in his voice, i gulp "i-" the shadow steps closer "let me in, that's all i ask, let me in the bubble, let me back into my time" i grow more afraid. Michael sighs and reaches forward, and i panic "no don't!" going to grab him but he's already pulled the shadow in and there stands....a girl? can't be...."Aura?" i whisper terrified, she smirks "took you long enough dork, now, get us out of here. Now." i nod rapidly and drop the magic we all blink as the sunlight hits us, i frown "Aura, what?" she hums "i was you little Reflection Shadow, now that i'm free, it's time to free you" my head tilts "free me?" her hand grows claws and she stabs my chest, i hear screaming but i can't breathe "it's time for you to remember fully, Trevor is dead and you are not Trevor, you are a warrior and a kind man with a family here who want you back" My mind clouds with pain and something in me snaps, i begin to scream in agony, but it's not, it is, my voice. Aura, who is she? Continues to hold her claw in my is it mine? Or Trevor's? chest i feel something latch onto my hands Hello old friends what's happening i'm coming home please make the pain stop I'm almost back another scream rips from my throat as i feel something in me shatter before the animal eared woman pulls her claw from my chest......i groan lifting my head to look at her "th-thank you" i whisper before falling to the side fading to black.

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