The Island

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Trevor pov

So after that was all settled i was led toward the guild of Divinus Magia, well there was only a few members there, the wind devil slayer Brandon, and a female who i dont' think i know from the GMG, she looked sorta like a human cat....that is she had ears of a cat and i think paws too. Either way, Michael led me to the two and explained what had happened, to which Brandon nodded and looked me up and down, before humming and turning to the girl "you can be in charge of him Lara (i think that's the spelling) the girl, Lara, nodded with a bright smile "i'll show him around the island sir!" Brandon nods and walks off, Michael following.

Once they're out of ear shot she turns to me "okay rules of this guild, do not mention under ANY circumstance the names, Tapio, Bjorn, or Ritchie, all are people that the guild has lost and were and still are very important to us, even if it's been 1-2 years since their deaths" (Bjorn died in S4 year later is S5, and this story is a year AFTER S5) i nod gulping "o-okay i'll try not to" she smiles "wonderful, now let's head to the boat" i blink "boat?" she laughs "yeah the guild hall and homes are on an island." i oh as she grabs my hand and pulls me along.

{time skip cause i'm no good at tours}

I was walking around the island for a bit before having to head to bed, i was given a room in the castle/guild hall, granted it's not much, but hey i'll take it over the alley way. I turn a corner and stumble into someone "oh i am so sorry!" i say quickly and a small voice says "it's fine" I look down at the person I ran into, only to be met with gorgeous dark purple eyes, with a deep scar of sadness as the person tries to smile. " have gorgeous eyes" i mumble out and the person, who i now see is male, smiles sheepishly, "o-oh, why thank you" i blush "i said that out loud didn't i?" he chuckles "you did, but that's fine" smiling a bit sheepishly "h-hey, i-i'm Trevor" he hums "Devin, you new to Atlantide?" i nod "yeah, but i don't plan on staying for long" he frowns "why not?" i hum "well honestly for personal reasons, but i sorta promised i'd stay the week to a kid who decided to drag me into the guild life, sorta" Devin blinks "Oakley?" i chuckle nodding "Oakley" Devin smiles "so you're the new friend he's been talking about so much, i'll have to bring you back with me so he can see you again" i blink "he's on the island?" Devin nods "yes, i'm his adoptive step father in a sense and Brandon is his uncle" i blink "how?" he flinches, i quickly back track "you know what nevermind, family is family i should judge" he gives me a large relieved smile. I smile brightly back, really wanting to make this cute guy happy.

{le more skips cause i'm no good at introductions}

After meeting everyone, i somehow stumbled upon a room of statues, said statues don't have plaques with names of who they are, but from what i got from Lara, these must be the three i'm not allowed to mention. I look at the center one, a male, looks similar to Brandon, in both features and clothes, the other two, well, one is a cat man, and the other is a viking looking man. I hear a hum and jump, turning i spot Oakley, he's looking at the man in the center "that's daddy" my eyes widen "oh gods, Oakley, i'm so sorry" he smiles "i remember him because i got forced into an adult and lived as an adult then met i'm back to being a kid...and i miss him, but he gave me some of his magic" i smile gently, "well at least you have the memories and a part of him right?" Oakley nods silent for a bit before saying "he was good at singing, i heard him once, it was nice" i blink "oh?" he nods "yeah....i wish i could hear it again, wish i could hug him again, wish i could make my family happy again....." i frown, "well i may not be able to do much, but i could maybe help with the hugging?" he looks to me with a head tilt and smile sheepishly "i can sew, i could sew you a doll that looks like him" he smiles brightly and hugs me "yes please!" i nod and pat his back "okay i just need to know what he looks like other than grey" he nods and quickly pulls me along to his room he stays in when he visits the island and we begin this project.

Somewhere in the dark a shadow smiles happily "seem's you couldn't stay away, it's glad to have you back old friend"

Redemption in Redजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें