The Shock

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Ritchie pov

Silence other than the heart monitor is made i raise an eyebrow, "what?" I ask confused, "did i get black out drunk again or something?" I continues, still confused, Brandon grab the sides of my face and forces me to look him in the eyes....i blink a bit, which is to be expected, but i see he looks cautious then with understanding, he lets me go and steps back in alarm "R-Ritchie?" He asks with shock and a bit of horror, I frown "yes?" There's a thump and my head spins to the side only to see Devin out cold on the ground "Devin!" I shout and go to leap out of the bed to help him. Someone holds me down and growls out "Mario, cuff him" earthly cuffs bind me to the bed. I struggle in the cuffs "Brother what is going on!?" I plead with him. He only snarls "don't play this game! You died over a year ago!" I blink and realization dawns on me, "oh..." he scoffs "yeah, oh!" I wince "Brandon, please if you let me-" he snarls "there is nothing to explain! you're dead, and possessing one of my new guild members!" I try to defend myself but he doesn't care, he turns to leave, "don't come get me until this is resolved" he says before walking away from the group. 

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