Finally Joining

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Sooooo, the story is quickly leaving my mind and i'm trying to get it back before it leaves fully so if it seems a bit robotic or rushed i do apologize

Trevor pov

It's been nearly a week, and I'm not going to lie, I love this place, the chaos, but loyalty is beyond amazing. I'm tempted to ask if i could join, but no, i have to leave tomorrow, I can't let THEM find me. After all THEY want me because of my curse, and what i am............a 💣︎◆︎❒︎♎︎♏︎❒︎♏︎❒︎. I flinch at the thought, not remembering I'm listening in on a guild meeting, being practically the babysitter for Oakley who's visiting for the day. "You okay?" a voice asks from my right in a whisper and I jump, letting out a yelp the rest of the guild looks to me. I blush and hide behind my hands to which others chuckle and resume their meeting. I turn to my right and see Plant to which I smile at them and whisper back "i'm fine, just remembered something" they oh and nod before looking back to Brandon and their dad.

{le skip of the meeting}

I'm holding a sleeping Oakley and over hear a conversation "we don't have anyone to spare for that mission Jericho" muffled noises to which i realize it's Brandon and he's on the lacrima "look, my guild is busy with it's own stuff" more muffled noises "hey! It is NOT my fault Kay and Marshie are a couple and are going on a date tonight. And it's not my fault that it's like a quadruple date with Viper and Kay, and Bryan and Jakey, and Mario and Mania as well!" muffled noises "David has Plant, and Lucas and Blake just left for a mission, Lara is going to La Carnival and Ms. P is who knows where" i frown bitting my lip and look to Oakley and sigh and knock on the door "hold on" he calls out "come in" i enter and he blinks "oh Trevor what can i do for you?" i lick my lips a bit nervous, "um, i c-could uh" he blinks "you were evesdropping?" i smile sheepishly "sorry" he shakes his head "it's fine, but if you do that you need the guild mark" i nod "i can handle that" he nods and beacons me over "where and color?" i blink, before lifting my shirt a bit and pointing to a spot, a scar there "there and any color other than cyan" he hums nodding not questioning the scar and places it using the lightning magic he has. Then he turns to the lacrima "lucky you, i can send our newest recruit" the noise is less muffled "thanks doll, he'll be working with Davis and Seek" i blink and nod and am sent off.

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