GMG Party

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Outside pov

The guilds are having the fun they can, talking and enjoying themselves, well as best they can, Divinus Magia is a bit down but they're trying not to bring the party down. All unaware of the shadow that now watches them, and only a few, a select group are on high alert having been seeing the dead for the past 2 weeks and it is making them a bit jumpy.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha" laughter rings out around the party a voice oh so familiar to some and a hooded figure steps out from the shadows "all your fault." the hooded figure says swaying from side to side "left me no choice" the figure steps forward "hated me, you take glee in my death" "R-Ritchie! No! W-we d-don't, it's not l-like that!" Flurry sobs out shaking, Indolus/Oakley seeing the form and shaking tears in his eyes, Yamitsu in front of the two, Brandon and Devin are wide eyed in shock "HA HA HA HA HA!" the hooded figure laughs insanely and the guilds become on their guard not wanting to fight Ritchie but if he has come back as a vengeful ghost they'd have to. The hooded person tsks and slides off his hood "this game has gotten old" the guilds all go wide eyed seeing it's not their Ritchie but The Demon King!

The Demon King grins "oh weak your Ritchie must have been i mean look at him compared to me" smirks "oh right you can't He's Dead and i'm not! I did what needed to be done. I survived proving I am the stronger, better, more pow-ack" The Demon King is tackled to the ground by.....Plant and Devin, Plant biting The Demon King's ankles Devin on his chest punching him "DO NOT DIS HIM! HE WAS AND IS BETTER THAN YOU WILL EVER BE! YOU SHOULD BE GONE NOT HIM! HE SHOULDN'T HAVE LEFT US! LEFT ME!" Plant nods "YEAH! DUMMY SHOULD BE HERE!" Brandon lets out a noise like a sob and a laugh at the fact Plant was still calling Ritchie Dummy. Flurry and Indolus/Oakley are hugging crying, Yamitsu, Jericho and Davis come over and get the two off The Demon King, Davis getting Plant the other two getting the thrashing angry and crying Devin. Jakey walks forward and freezes The Demon King in time "there, i'll be getting him back to the protectors guild to hold for a bit until we determine what to do with him" those who were affected by Ritchie's death all shakily nod they're minds having not been ready to see his face on that of a villain, despite having seen it before. Jakey nods and leaves, taking the criminal with him Eliore following. Mania rushes to Mario's side, Marshie to Kit's, Blake and Lucas have each other, David and Plant try to comfort each other, Inmo is cared for by Lara, Brandon, Devin, Flurry, and Indolus/Oakley have themselves to help all crying hard, Yamitsu trying to help his best, some of the other guilds and their members try to help but aren't sure how to help.

Not far from the GMG Party a light glows over a corpse. The body gasps and shoots up eyes wide and looking around, it grips his head hissing a clear sign of pain and distress. Another two lights come and place hands on the shoulders of the now alive corpse "you must forget" they say in sync and the alive corpse nods letting out a weak whine. Slumping to the side the living corpse allows the magic to work until it's eyes close once more

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