The Wait

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Devin pov

I pace the hall outside the infirmary, hearing Kit's scream of Trevor's name from the entrance of the guild was terrifying. The few of us that were outside were all heading in as it had started to rain, and neither Brandon or Oakley could make it stop so we all felt it best to head inside. The rain is still pouring, and poor Oakley was so scared but now is asleep on Kit's lap, Michael had to return to the celestial realm (i think that's the place) David was sitting next to her holding Etch/Plant, and Brandon is healing Trevor with his magic. The doors to the hall burst open and in runs Yamitsu and Flurry come rushing in, Mario and Lara on their tail. "How is he?" Flurry asks and i look to the door "Brandon hasn't come out yet" David says quietly not wanting to wake up the children. My gaze is still on the door but i hear feet shuffling and turn back, and they're all sitting in wait, except Yamitsu who is giving me a soft look of asking if i was alright, i give an appreciative gentle smile back, he nods and sits next to Flurry.

Another few minutes pass and the door opens, Brandon steps out, "he'll be fine" there is a collective sigh. Brandon's lips purse and I frown "but?" he sighs, "he took a nasty hit to the head....there's a chance..." my eyes widen understanding "that he may not remember us?" I say with horror, tense silence as Brandon nods. There's a small whimper and i turn to see Kit tears in her eyes, "he wouldn't have been in there had i not been in the room!" She says crying Mario hugs her "Kit no, it wasn't your fault at all." Lara hums "yeah! It could have happened to anyone" Yamitsu speaks "which pegs the question as to what happened to make Ritchie's statue fall" silence falls on the group as they try to think of anything. Lucas enters the hall, "you all should get some sleep, yes you can take turns watching Trevor as he heals but im taking first watch as most of you have plans for tomorrow" no one fights Lucas's words and head off to their assigned homes/rooms to sleep.

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