A Year Later (???)

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??? pov

I once again enter this....weaker world, ready to extract my revenge, but first I need to view the guilds as to not be easily defeated again. I must take over this world and rule it with my iron fist, to begin let's see how my pitiful counterpart is.

{le skip the travel and being made aware}

Well I never! Dead!? How this fool drives me insane he didn't even survive enough to let me take his devil....but he did give them to others, wonderful. I hear humming and my head shoots up to where it was coming from only to spot a male, his eyes lock with mine and they fill with shock and he runs away from the window giving me time to hide in the bushes nearby he rushes out of his door, only to droop and turn and walks back inside mumbling. I can tell there is sorrow in his heart and I get an idea. One of pure evil but i do so enjoy my devilish ways.

{time skips sorta? Just read and you'll understand}

I smirk as I stand where I am watching as the counterpart of the one I despise the most walks with another member of a guild, I believe it's the time wizard Jakey or something. Only for the two to spot my form and freeze, the counterparts eyes fill with tears and he shouts my name beginning to chase after me. I turn smirking and run, quickly losing them as I hide in an alley. "NO! He's gone! You saw him too right!?" the counterpart asks with tears clear in his eyes "I did, but I don't understand. I thought you said he was...." I smirk hearing the time wizard "he is!" oh goody he's sobbing, this is working out perfectly, i quickly leave the area.

{time skip}

I reach the guild of La Carnival seeing a male with hair of blue but eyes of purple and i'm reminded that my counterpart had a child. A female with pink ribbon in her hair hugs a male with the white hair male, the one who helped defeat me last time I came to this world. My eyes narrow, just as the boy looks my way his eyes widening and his lips move then he calls out "DAD!?" I grin evilly the others spin to look, spotting my form, I salute them and run off. They all shout my name in distress and I hear them follow but I escape them once again, and I listen closely "H-he was right there!!" the pink ribboned woman says "i know! I saw him to mom!" the son says "i did as well but that's impossible you all said he was...." sobs from the woman and a sad noise from the son and they say in sync "he is!" i smirk and leave

{time skip}

I walk around hood over my head so as to not cause too much attention to myself. After all, for the past two weeks I've been haunting those close to my counterpart, and oh how fun it has been. I pause when I hear sobbing, I walk toward the sobbing only to find a male his age is around a year or two younger than me and my fallen counterpart. His hair is red and brown, I walk closer causing the male to jump and spin to me, he's shaking. I can see in his pale blue-ish-white eyes it's not fear of me, more of a for me, and I frown "what's wrong with you?" I ask, not very caring, just curious. The male flinches "memories" I blink then roll my eyes "let me guess you did mistakes and they haunt you at night, how weak" he looks down then back up at me a new resolve in those eyes behind glasses "you clearly are evil, what say you to a little killing?" i instantly perk up "i love it" he nods and spreads his arms ''i'm all open" i take up his offer and kill him. "Hmm, i'd better get to the GMG to cause some damage and fun" and head off.

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