My ^Curse^ Revealed

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(SO sorry had to unpublish this part, needed to get part i accidnetly skipped into the story but worry not here we are! again)
(P.S. if anyone wants to attempt to figure out what i've been writing try finding a Wingdings Translator, i use LingoJam)

Trevor pov

The next morning I awoke to find La'Carnival visiting due to it being some holiday, I learned later, like 10 minutes, from Lara, it was them asking if they could use the island to get married, because Yamitsu proposed to Flurry. That makes me realize that Oakley is ALSO here, and that reminds me that I finished his doll last night, so I quickly rushed to my housing on the island to get said doll.

{a little latter}

I have the doll in my hand as I jog from my room to the guild hall, where I find everyone, which surprsises me since that's a high occurrence except for guild meetings. I look around a bit before spotting the familiar mop of blue hair and walk over "Oakley!" said child spins to me "MR. TREVOR!" he shouts and leaps at me, knocking me to the floor doll going flying "oof!" he laughs and gets off of me "i missed you!" i chuckle "same to you too kiddo" i say rubbing his hair "where did you get this!?" i hear a frantic question asked and i look to where the question came from, Devin, and he's holding the doll. I blink "oh, that! I m-" Oakley interrupts me "YOU FINISHED THE DOLL!" he runs and grabs the doll from Devin and hugs it "thankyouthankyouthankyou!" he says hugging the doll bouncing around, as i stand up "yeah, i did, now you can get dad hugs, just like you wanted" he leaps at my legs and hugs them "you're the bestest friend ever" i smile "i bet you could make better friends then little old me" he huffs pulling back "no way!" i chuckle "whatever you say" he smiles and runs to his mom "mom! Mom! Mom! Loook! I have daddy!" he shows her the doll, to which tears prick her eyes "i see that Oakley" that's when i notice many of the guild members look sorrowful/sad, and i frown mumbling to myself "i shoulda made more" Yamitsu looks to me with a look of something other than distrust and a sneer, he looks to me with a look of thanks, i blink not sure how to feel about this. David clears his throat, "why are we mopping when we should be celebrating!? Flurry and Yamitsu are getting married people! Let's party!" to which many people start partying, to the best of their abilities.

{le skip a few hours}

As many people are partying i'm tasked with kid watching, meaning, Plant and Oakley are with me and we're playing a couple games. Oakley decides we should play tag, and i'm not opposed but i do tell them no hiding in small places i can't reach and no hurting anyone partying, to which the two agree and run off deeming me IT, I sigh smiling and give chase.

Running around after them i rawr like a dinosaur at times and they squeal and run away. It's really fun, and I can't help but laugh as I continue. That is until Plant runs into the back of a drunk Mario, he yelps in surprise, his magic going haywire and hitting a chunk of the roof. My eyes widen, Devin and Brandon are under that area and oblivious to the stuff about to fall on their heads. Something in me shouts in a panic "💧︎✌︎✞︎☜︎ ✡︎⚐︎🕆︎☼︎ ☞︎✌︎💣︎✋︎☹︎✡︎✏︎" and me, not realizing my ^curse^ is activating in my panic, run toward them. I push the two out of the way, fearing the worst, only to hear silence, lifting my head i notice everyone is frozen "can you get off of us?" i hear Brandon say making me jump off of the two, they both sit up confused "wh-why is everyone frozen?" Devin asks and i look away "s-sorry, i'll s-stop it" i pull in my ^curse^ and everyone resumes movement some turning others moving toward where the two were, just as the stuff from the ceiling falls.

Outside pov

As the dust settles everyone is wide eyed and in shock, seeing Brandon and Devin a few feet away from where they were, Trevor by them not looking at anyone. "Wh-what was that!?" David shouts "one second you were over by Plant and Mario the next you're over there!" Trevor flinches "i-it's m-my c-m-magic" everyone is staring at him like he has two heads. He quickly apologises and tries to escape. Mario blocks his exit, while Brandon asks "what kind of magic is that!?" Trevor flinches again, "i-i d-don't know" Others start firing off questions, until Devin steps in giving them all a silencing glare "Trevor, please, can you at least tell us what it's called?" Trevor gulps "i-i call it b-bubble" Devin nods "what does it do?" Trevor rubs the back of his neck "it puts a bubble of time and space anywhere i deem it, of course i HAVE to be in it or it doesn't work" Devin hums "so you used it on accident just now to stop your own time and space, to save me and Brandon?" Trevor shakes his head "it's more like i erased myself from the timeline and front his spacial plane for a few moments to get to you before you were crushed" Devin blinks "oh" the rest of the people are in shock. Until Oakley shouts "THAT'S MY D-BEST FRIEND!" to which many fall into laughter.

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