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Trevor pov

I blink slowly waking up my head pounding "wh-what happened?" I blink again seeing my vision is blurry. I cough slightly feeling like my voice hasn't been used, shaking my head confused as to what had happened, i look around noticing i'm in an alleyway, seeing a nearby puddle i crawl over to it and look at my reflection, Pale blue eyes with dark grey circles and a purple pupil behind glasses, stare back at a form with brown and red hair, a single blue streak....odd i don't remember having blue hair......i shake my head again and slowly stand "i feel like i was using my curse...." i mumble rubbing my face leaning against the wall, then i stare out of the alleyway seeing the water of Atlantide, and i'm hit with memories. I gasp remembering my death, i look down my clothes are tinted red, and i feel my torso, but i find no injuries. I blink "my curse....saved me...." i whisper before taking off my shirt and grabbing my small pack with my change of clothes and quickly change "whatever, i need to get out of here, before my village finds me, after all they track me via my curse"

Once changed i sneak out of the alleyway looking around then walking toward the town, as i walk around i notice that it's now day, a quick glance at a newspaper as i pass, shows that it's been only a day since my supposed death. Which i find odd since usually my curse doesn't let time in real time pass, but whatever i'm alive that's all that matters. I keep walking around until i find a flier for the guilds of Atlantide, and the GMG about having others being the hosts for the party before the games, i smile and realize the GMG start today, and that was the main reason i was here in Atlantide, to see the GMG! I quickly rush toward the arena and get a seat, lucky me just as it starts.

{Skip day 1 of the GMG cause i'm not good at writing fights}

I leave after day one and i frown realizing i don't have a home to rest for the night, i sigh and walk around the town as the sun starts to set i see a couple of the guild members here and there but i don't get too close to them as to not draw too much attention to myself. As i walk i can't help but feel eyes on me, well sorta eyes more like i'm being followed/stalked, i continue on my way though, making sure not to act like i'm aware of them. Only to crash into my watcher when i turn a corner, "ow" i say rubbing my face, then i look to who i ran into and blink "uhhhh" the thing smirks and from behind it another thing emerges this one also smirks. They both salute me and in a strange tongue say something "☟︎♏︎●︎●︎□︎ ♋︎♑︎♋︎♓︎■︎ ☼︎♓︎⧫︎♍︎♒︎♓︎♏︎" i just blink "wot?" the two wave and vanish in a flash, leaving me stunned and confused.

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