Awkward Love

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 "I don't mean to cause any trouble, but how much would you be willing to bet that Toya likes me?" I asked Kohane the question rather quickly, but it didn't stop the embarrassment.

"He does seem to trust you." She thought with all her might before saying more. "More then anyone else, even. I would say it's about a 70 percent chance!" She cheered.

"That's better than a 50/50." In the back of my mind, I feared the 30 percent chance that he didn't return any romantic interest. If he were to reject me, that would screw up Vivid Bad Squad entirely.

Despite that, my body and mind wanted to feel his lips on mine. I wanted to watch him sleep peacefully in my arms. I was falling hard for him, and I needed him to be mine.

I was sitting at my laptop with a blank piece of paper. I was trying to research ways to confess and write them down, but none of them seemed to be for Toya. Because there is no one like Toya.

"Hey Akito~" Ena sang in my ear. "Who do you like?"

I immediately slammed my laptop shut. "Shut up!" I scowled to her. I was blushing, and I tried my best to hide it.

"Whatever." She laughed before leaving the room.

Upon seeing that she was gone, I open my laptop back up. "Dammit, where was I?" I frustratedly scrolled through Google to find the page that I was on.

Just as I started to read an article on natural confessions, I heard my phone ring. I sighed. Why did everyone have to disturb me?

My opinion changed once I saw the caller. It was Toya, and he was just the one I wanted right then.

I picked up the phone. "Good afternoon, Akito." His voice made me smile. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall later? I have coupons for a few stores."

"Of course. What time?" It appeared that he did the first part of the article's instructions for me.

"Uhm," Toya paused, probably thinking. "Is 4:30 okay?" I heard a smile through his voice. The way I could tell what he was feeling so perfectly by his tone of voice was one of the many things I loved about him.

"Of course." I felt content as I responded. "I love you." I quickly realized what I said and regretted saying anything. "Wait- shit!" I loudly cursed. "I'll just let you be off now." I said sheepishly before hanging up.

I drove myself to the mall. To say that I was embarrassed from my slip up was an understatement. An and Ena would beat my ass if they found out.

A turn to my left and I would be there. It was 4:25, so I got there just in time.

Toya was waiting just outside the doors for me. He smiled upon my arrival. "You've made it. Glad to see you, Akito." That damn voice was beautiful.

I smiled when our eyes met. "Of course. Shall we go in?" He nodded. "Okay."

An hour passed since we entered, and I was already convinced that I wanted to spend my life with Toya. Between his perfect smile and his adorable laugh, I wanted him more then anyone else.

We walked out of the shopping area and went into the food court. Our hands became intertwined as we hopped in line. I could hear my heart beat loudly, but I didn't mention it to him.

His grip tightened. "Akito, I want to talk to you about something once we get our food." I pondered the possibilities. My slip-up?

"Okay." I kept my cool as I responded.

I watched him smile and I chuckled in return. I was happy, and I'm pretty sure he was, so that day was a success.

We sat down with our food. "What did you wish to talk to me about?" I asked.

"When we were on the phone, you said that you loved me. Did you mean it? If so, platonically or romantically?" Toya's voice didn't sound monotonous for once, which I quite enjoyed.

I blushed before responding. "I did mean it," I debated whether telling him my feelings would be a good idea "and I meant it romantically."

Toya stood before me. Before I could react, he pressed his lips against mine. "Luckily for you, I like you back."


Short chapter but it works

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