Beautiful Bonds

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 Toya and I were cuddling in bed. I didn't care that An and Ena would probably mock me about this for the rest of my life, but that didn't mean it didn't occur to me that it would.

His hand's grip tightened on my waist. "Akito... I like this." He muttered quietly.

I chuckled before replying. "If you'd like, we could cuddle like this more often." Our legs began to tangle under the blankets.

"Please." He smiled at me before doing an adorable little purr. I knew that there was no way to prevent myself from kissing him, so I didn't even try. He laughed as I pecked his cheek again and again. I loved Toya to pieces, so I gave him all of my love.

After my brief preview of Heaven, I finally stopped and looked at his smile. "I love you." It was the truth. And I pretty sure he returned my feelings. After all, while most people got a hardly varying expression out of him, he was laughing and smiling at me.

Toya and I were walking around the block. The temperature was okay and it was slightly humid, but that didn't mean that there were no people or animals.

"Can we get food soon?" I nudged into my boyfriend desperately. "I'm running on no food."

"Of course." He showcased a brief smile before turning his attention to a dog who was passing by.

My mind told me to run from the creature, but Toya looked too happy. I told myself to suck it up and get over there.

Upon seeing me crouched down beside him, he spoke. "It's a pug. They are one of my favorite breeds." His voice sounded calm.

I watched him give his attention and affection to the pug. It got ear scratches, pets, and praise. I somehow managed to get jealous of a random dog in the streets. The pug had the nerve to steal Toya's love. Dammit.

Just as I was cursing out the pug in my mind, Toya took my hand. The warmth of my boyfriend's palm calmed me and made me more pissed off at the dog at the same time. The dog did nothing and got access to this hand?

My thoughts were once again interrupted. "Here. You can pet him." His voice was so peaceful and adorable.

"Okay..." I mumbled as my hand was led by Toya's. It was led onto the pug's fur.

"It isn't that bad, see?" I noticed that his hand started to stroke mine rather than the dog. "Dogs are rather cute." I stopped myself from flirting. That would make the situation awkward, and all I wanted was for Toya's hand to stroke mine.

"Crap." The last time I said that word was when I got sick, but I didn't care. "Got results back for a math test."

"What did you get?" Toya called over from the kitchen.

"D." I sighed to myself. "I suck at math. Life too."

"Don't say that. Everyone has things they are good at and things they aren't." He walked out of the kitchen and to the couch I was on. He planted a kiss on my forehead.

"I guess you're right. However, can you do that again?" I wanted another kiss.

"Oh. Another kiss, I assume?" I nodded. "Of course, Akito. I'll give you all the kisses you want."

And that he did.


This was posted at 4:20 am.

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