A Kitten?!

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 "Toya, don't you think it's gotten a bit lonely here recently?" I asked as I sat on the couch. "I mean, I have you, but I want someone else here, too."

Toya looked at him from the kitchen. "Like adopting a child? Sorry, but I don't think I'm up to the task." We blushed at each other.

I took a moment before speaking again. "...Not what I meant. I was thinking about a pet. But no dogs! Those things are scary."

My fiancé laughed at me. "Do you want a kitten? I know that Kohane works part time at that one animal shelter. I think she mentioned being there right now."

"Sure, sure. Let's go then."

Once we got to the shelter, we were met with a wild Kohane and plenty of animals. "Oh! Hello, Akito and Toya. How have you been recently?" She squeaked. She was shy as ever, and now had half rim glasses the color of An's old jacket. We weren't the only gay ones, I suppose.

"The same as ever. We're looking for a kitten, so where are those?" I asked her bluntly. I hated wasting time, except with Toya. He gets special treatment.

"Take a left. It's right by the snakes." Her fingers pointed in that same direction. "Let me know if you find one you want! I can supply you with food as well."

And with that, we were off. We found the cats before long, and there were about 20 cats, all meowing and rubbing our legs. Before long, we spotted one that I could easily put in my jeans. It was a little white kitten with blue eyes. He was absolutely adorable.

"I want this one." Toya picked up the kitten and it snuggled with him. He giggled as it brushed it's cheek against him. They seemed to both appreciate the other. It was honestly quite odd that no one got this one already. It's so cute, and it doesn't have a tag that says anything bad.

"I'll go get Kohane." I responded. "Think of a name while you wait."

We carried the kitten — her name is now Ivy — home in a small cage along with food and other supplies. She was meowing until we got home. Ivy immediately ran on Toya's lap once we unlocked her cage. He smiled as he pet the cat and she cuddled up against him. It was extremely cute, so I couldn't resist taking a picture and setting it as my wallpaper on my phone. I sat next to them on the couch and leaned against my fiancé.

Once we went to bed, Toya cuddled up against me. "I love you, 'kito. I know how you get, so I'll tell you this: I love you both dearly, but Ivy will never replace you. Never, as long as I live."

I smiled softly. "Thanks. And I love you too." I said sheepishly before I planted a kiss on his forehead.

Ivy soon came waddling into the room, and we all slept cozily together. A little smile spread across my lips, both from the warmth of our love, and the corniness of our actions. A family. That's what we are. And we will only get closer as time goes on.

I'm so glad Toya came into my life.


SURPRISE FOLKS!!! Turns out this isn't discontinued (thank my hyperfixation on Akitoya). The boys ever <3

Ivy is a exotic shorthair btw! She's about 2 months old.

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