Vivid Bad Squad

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 "Toya! Akito!" Kohane greeted us, same as normal. Did An not tell her?

"Yo." I tried to act natural.

"How are our favorite lovebirds doing?" An teased, rubbing my hair violently. Her hand was hard on my head.

"What?" Kohane was as dense as ever. An showed her the image of us sleeping together, and she gasped.

"That's not all." Apparently Ena sent her two images of us kissing. Kohane gasped again as she saw those pictures.

"I knew they were close, but I didn't expect that!" She's extremely naive.

My house seemed like a luxury. Hell, even school seemed like one. Anywhere but this awkward cafe.

My eyes fell upon Toya before I developed a smile. His beautiful eyes found their way to mine, and he smiled too. Maybe this place wasn't absolutely shitty.

"Yep. Anyway, what is the setlist for this week?" I quickly changed the topic.

We were sitting on the couch once again, this time Toya was reading while I was playing video games. He was sitting on me and I wrapped my arms around him just enough to be able to get a good grip on the controller.

"Dammit!" I raged as the game over screen appeared. Toya looked up from his book and stared. I must have disturbed him. "Sorry. I get mad at games really easily."

He turned back to his book and leaned into my chest. "No worries." He chuckled softly. "You wouldn't be Akito without your temper. And... Akito is the one I love." What started as a slight blush turned my face red ear-to-ear.

I didn't know how to respond to that, so awkward silence engulfed us. Finally, I whispered. "And Toya is the one I love." He perked up at his name and showcased his pure smile. I couldn't stop myself from kissing him.

"Glad to know that our feelings are mutual." His voice was beautiful as ever. His eyes went back to his book, and mine went back to my game.

I felt my eyes shut.

I woke to Toya playing my game. There was slight sweat on his temple, probably because he was button-mashing so much. He didn't realize I was awake, so he saved as he entered a dungeon. He leaned forward as he fought some enemies.

"I can't let Akito down... I love him too much to let him be disappointed. I have to win this." He still wasn't aware that I could hear him. I liked hearing this side of him. "After all, his happiness is everything to me." I blushed slightly.

He successfully beat the dungeon minutes later. He smiled with satisfaction as he led the hero to a wooded area.

"Akito's going to be so proud of me~" Toya sang. I agreed with him; I was extremely proud of what he's done, especially because he isn't the biggest gamer. "And he'll be happy. He'll smile and kiss me. It'll be great!"

Of course I would kiss him and smile. He was too cute when he was happy. I had to resist the urge to kiss him then.

"I wish I could tell him how much I love him. I dream about him every night, and just thinking of his smile gives me so much serotonin. I live to give him love and happiness." I couldn't take it anymore.

I grabbed his chin and pulled it towards me. I kissed him on the lips. He pulled away, but kissed me again moments later. We went back and forth for a couple minutes.

We were so invested that we didn't notice that An and Kohane came to visit.

"Sorry to interrupt your little session~" An teased us as we realized that they just watched us.

"Shut up." I immediately shot back in annoyance. The others just remained quiet as they watched.

"Nah." That little bastard.

"Why does our relationship matter to you, anyway?" Now I was mad. "All you ever do is make us look like idiots. Who's the idiot now?"

"Akito!" Toya yelled. He startled us. "Stop yelling at her! Just because she made fun of us doesn't mean you can harass her like that." Harassment?

I felt like breaking down in tears. "Sorry An." All of the others smiled.

Cuddles and Idiocy [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now