You're Ticklish?

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SFW tickles, sorry I've had an obsession with reading these on Tumblr. This chapter is entirely filler except for an addition of a nickname if this ain't your thing. :) (again I am sorry just bear with me)

There was a sale on pancakes today. I had begged Toya to go, but he insisted we study.

"Please! We'll be out in 30 minutes!" I begged, literally shaking him.

"No. You still haven't read this textbook." He replied flatly.

"Ugh-" I grunted. "But I can't miss this opportunity! It's a great deal! Hey, it'll be on me too! You can get coffee."

"Sorry, but we have this to look over. I'd like you to read it to yourself once and out loud again." Stubborn was an understatement. I'd kill for pancakes.

"The test is on Friday! 3 days! This sale is only today." I countered with an actually good argument.


I looked at his feet, socks kicked off. They were completely bare and exposed. I didn't actually know if Toya was ticklish. I considered trying it out see how he reacted. After a minute of consideration, I decided to, he's my boyfriend after all. I grabbed his foot and ran my fingers across it, resulting in a yelp from my boyfriend. Ticklish, much?

"H-hey! We are supposed be to studying!" He giggled out as I continued tickling his foot. Quite sensitive.

"We'll just have to postpone that!" I continued my tickle attack, making Toya erupt in laughter.

He continued yelping, wriggling and screaming in laughter. "A-Akito! Stap!"Based on his smile and laugh, he didn't truly wish to stop. Perfect.

"I didn't know you were so ticklish~" I teased as I moved my fingers up to his stomach, sitting on him to keep him from moving away. He screamed in laughter and kicked his feet as he lifted his armpits up accidentally. I took advantage of the opportunity and started tickling the hell out of his armpits.

"Gah! HahA~ Akhihako! Ey cat spEak! Hehe!" His words became deformed as I continued. No hiccups yet.

"Tickle tickle tickle!" I mocked as I continued. He began squealing. Never had I seem him so helpless. "Let me see that oh-so-beautiful face!"

"NOHOHO!" He tried covering his face but I peeled his hand away from it. "YAUR RE EMBARASSIN MEH!" He yelped as I used one hand on his armpit and the other on his stomach.

"This is what you get for not letting me get pancakes!" I yelled.


"Still need to what? What do we need to do, sweetheart?" Toya blushed at the nickname. God, that was corny, but I kind of liked saying it.

He recovered from it in a second, but was reminded of my attack. "STUDIE!" I dug my fingers in deeper. "EEK!"

"Nonono, no studying~" My index finger wandered to his belly button, pinching around. Toya's squeals became louder.

"NAHAHAHA! THATT TIC- EEK! MYAHAHA! AHIHIKO!!" I dug into the bully button, swirling around. He started flipping out. "MYAHA!! AHAHAKITOO! AHAKITOO!!"

"Oh? I think I found a tickle spot~" I sang as I continued the pattern, still also tickling his armpit. "You did this to yourself."

"AHAHIKOOO!!" Right now, he was acting like the younger brother and not my boyfriend. He was quite adorable in such a vulnerable state. It must have been a while since he was able to laugh hysterically like that due to his father.

"So cute~"

"NAHAHA!" He pouted in the middle of his laughing fit. "DONONOT CALL ME TAT!"

It was quite fun watching him squeal and kick around, completely helpless. Despite that, he was at this limit. "Say please and I might let you go." I offered.

He kept stuttering. "PWE-AHA! PWEASE STAP!" Once he said the magic word, I paused. He let out a few giggles before looking me in the eyes. "Okay. I'll go get you pancakes. We can study later." I smiled. Victory was mine!

Tickling really did solve all problems, especially to persuade someone. Even without that, it was amazing to see Toya in such a vulnerable state, laughing and smiling so purely.

"Here you are, I hope you enjoy it." A waitress said as she handed me my pancakes. She walked off moments later.

Toya was being his normal self again. He sat in his chair quietly drinking coffee, occasionally looking up at me. I ate my first pancake in a few minutes. "So what did you want to do after we finish?" I asked. "Other than studying."

"I want to test something out when we get back." He replied.

"Again, we can study another day." I countered.

"I suppose."

"Anything for you, sweetheart~" I sang as I stabbed another pancake with my knife. Toya blushed at the name. It was fun mocking him with it.

He set his cup of coffee down, looking me in the eyes. He was evidently flustered, his ears and cheeks red. His eyes soon found their way to the floor and his hand stroked the back of his neck.

"Ya flustered?" I teased as I watched him break in embarrassment.

After a deep breath, he finally spoke. "Yes." Oh. "I don't need you to stop calling me that, though." He said rather bluntly, not a sign of regret in his gestures.

"Alright, then." I responded awkwardly, hoping that Toya would continue the conversation as normal, but I knew it wouldn't happen.

Once we got home, I wondered what he wanted to do. My dirty mind wasn't helping much, as there was only one thing I could think of.

"So, Toya, what did ya want to do?" I asked while I sat on the couch. He was standing for some unknown reason.

He remained silent for a moment, before sitting next to me. Okay, not bad. The atmosphere was quiet and peaceful until he grabbed my ribs.

"TOYA! WHAT THE HELL?" I yelled as he moved his fingers in a tickling action. Thank god Ena wasn't home.

As Toya continued to tickle me, he muttered one word: "Revenge." He moved a hand to my foot.

"TOYA! TOYAHA!" All I could do was yell in high-pitched squeaks as my reflexes kicked in, although I couldn't move due to my boyfriend's position on me. "EEK! EHEH- TOYAHAHA!" Despite my embarrassment, he was amazing at tickling. Working with the piano must had made his hands amazing to the touch, and it showed.

"I wasn't going to let you off that easy, Akito." He dug the hand on my foot into my right armpit, making the tickling sensations even better. "So be good and don't let the neighbors hear, okay? You don't want them to hear your girl screams."

"GIURL STREAMS? EEK! WHAHT DO YA MEAN? AHA! MAI YELLS ARE'T TAT BAD! EHE!" My words broke as they came out.

"In this situation, yes." He continued his attack as I let out another yelp. "They are always something, though."

"SOMETHANG?! WHAD YA MEAN SOMETHANG?" I yelled in anger. What the hell?

"Something isn't bad, Akito." He giggled. His fingers picked up their pace, and I knew exactly was was going to happen.

"NYAHAHA! TOYAHAHA! EHEH!" My cries became louder, and my eyes were soaked. "NOH FAIR! AHAH! STOOPID!" I pouted in between laughs.

"No." He flatly said. "And for that, my special treatment has ended." He giggled contently.

"Wait!" I called after him as he went into the restroom. I was honestly surprised he didn't walk out the front door.

Lesson learned: we both like tickles. I learned more than I would studying.


As long my (girl)friend doesn't read this then I'll be okay. I hope no one I know irl is reading these and I have no idea. What if I'm walking out of when school starts again and I see someone on one of my fics and they are like "hey you like VOCALOID, are you friends with who wrote this?" And I'm like no because that's me and oh no.

Cuddles and Idiocy [DISCONTINUED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant