To Camp We Go!

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 I packed up my bags for the our camping trip. Ena and dad were already aware of my trip, so it wasn't hard to leave the house.

We were meeting at Ken's cafe. The meeting was an hour away, but I had no way to pass the time.

I took my computer out of my backpack. I figured I would play a game or until I had to leave. I led my cursor to the emulator and waited for it to load.

I looked around my room. My computer was lagging for whatever reason, so I had to wait. Due to Toya being here often, I had a few of his books on my nightstand. I picked one up and read the cover.

"It's a guide to showing affection?" I wondered aloud. Why would he research showing affection unless he wanted to improve. How did I not notice this?

I was reading the back cover blurb as my game loaded, so I threw the book in my bag and focused on my computer. I would ask Toya about why he chose the book once we got to the cafe.

"The bus will be here shortly. Have fun." Ken told us with a smile. "Stay safe."

"We will!" An replied sharply.

"Sure, sure." I rolled my eyes. She was rather energetic compared to most days.

Toya looked out the window. "Oh. It's here now." We all looked in the direction of the bus. "Shall we get going?" I smiled and walked out with them.

The bus looked small from the outside, but seemed pretty cozy. The only issue was that there was just a singular bunkbed, meaning we'd all have to sleep with someone. It wasn't a problem for Toya and I except the fact that An would most definitely see, but I didn't know if her and Kohane would be comfortable with that.

"Yo, there are only two beds." It seemed that the others spawned to me as soon as I said that. "Toya and I will definitely be together."

"And that leaves An and I?" Kohane asked, to which I nodded.

"Yes. I'm not sure if you two would be willing to sleep in the same bed." I laughed weakly. "It won't be a problem for Toya and I due to us... sleeping in the same bed on other occasions." I realized that sounded wrong right after I said it. An started wheezing immediately and Toya rolled his eyes at her soon after.

"Okay. If we have to, then we will do it." An smiled after recovering from her teasing. "Right, Kohane?" She nodded.

"Great. It's settled." I began to shout to the driver. "We're ready to head off!" We felt the bus move.

"So Toya, I've been meaning to ask you about this book." We sat on a bench in the bus together.

"Hm?" He took the book out of my hand and examined it. "Oh. What about it?"

"Why do you feel the need to show more affection? Do you think you're not good enough?" I questioned almost immediately.

"Sort of." He looked at the floor. "I'm afraid that I don't show my feelings enough." I pulled him into a hug. "I don't really know how to show affection."

"Well, I think you're doing a good job." While it was true that I'd like if he'd kiss me more, I loved how he showed his affection.

The bus suddenly came to a stop, causing me to accidentally lunge forward. Toya caught me on his chest. There was no way that leaning on your boyfriend's stomach could be seen as normal. Dammit.

I moved away almost immediately, my embarrassment evident. Toya laughed and smiled.

He muttered something hardly audible, but I still heard. "Maybe I'll have to fluster him more often. He really is adorable when he's embarrassed." I had no idea how his voice remained calm.

"Whatever." I turned my head and tried to hide the redness on my face. I couldn't get away before I was pulled into a hug.

Needless to say, I was shocked. However, I almost liked it. I surprised myself and stayed. The bus started moving again after a moment, but we still stayed. We started leaning against the bench's back, and we went into a peaceful sleep.

My eyes opened and I immediately noticed two things. The first thing was that the scenery outside the window made it look like it was raining, and the second was that An and Kohane were standing right in front of us. Crap.

The reality of the situation hit me like a bullet. The girls saw us sleeping together and cuddling.

"I know you two were lovebirds, but I honestly wasn't expecting that~" An teased. Does she even know how to do anything else?

"Yea, whatever." I rolled my eyes and looked up at Toya. He was still asleep, and he was still holding onto me like I was going to fly away if he let go. It was cute.

An picked up her camera and took a picture. "I'm going to upload this to Instagram, along with my pictures of you guys sleeping."

"But doesn't Ena have an account? No way in hell I'd let her see!" I yelled to the point that Toya woke up. He looked pretty tired. "Oh. Sorry for waking you."

"No worries, 'kito." He smiled.

I heard my phone buzz. I searched for it briefly before checking the notification. Ena was calling, and I knew what it was about.

"Oh, come on, An! Look what you did!"

I picked up the phone and she started screaming, to the point that everyone else could hear even though my volume was low and not on speaker.


All of the members of Vivid Bad Squad just stared at my phone momentarily. 

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