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The managers didn't have much to say. Most we're experienced, and it wasn't the first time he took leave. All remembered his trip to France that made the man return with a wife.

Jonas was in a hurry to leave. The trip to France was something he needed as well. The perspective of talking recipes with Jacob and walking in the familiar streets of Ile de France enchanted the man.

He was halfway down the building's stairs when his phone rang, "Hej, Dirk."

"Hej, Jonas, how are you?"

"I'm good. I've never been better," the man said, replacing his air pods and taking out his bike.

"Eh, are you free this week? I need to meet you."

The urgent tone employed by the lawyer made Jonas stop what he was doing, "what is it, Dirk? Sierra and I are leaving for Paris this week. Can it wait until my return?"

"Sorry, Jonas, it can't wait. You can't leave, especially Sierra."

The lawyer had all of Jonas's attention, "what is it, Dirk?"

 "It's the Gauthiers. They filed another complaint."


The act, becoming routine, barely made the man react.

"Jonas, it's for kidnapping."

"WHAT?" Jonas exclaimed.

A few passers-by glared at the man as they walked passed him. Jonas lowered his head, "Dirk, what on earth are you saying? Kidnapping, are you serious?"

"Unfortunately, I am, Jonas. If Sierra returns to France, they'll arrest her. And if she's with Leone, they will take him into custody after arresting her."

Jonas swiped a hand on his mouth, "Dirk, that's crazy. Sierra is pregnant. She wants to announce it to her brother in person. Do you see me telling my wife she can't set foot in her country?"

"Jonas, listen, I'm meeting Cecile's advocate this week. I'll be working with him and Fritz; this isn't the type of case I can handle alone."

"I-I understand," Jonas stammered.

Such events, too, seemed to be a habit well installed. After Happiness' sunshine, a frightful trial came to rain on them. For Jonas, it was the biggest one yet.

 "Dirk, I can't. I can't do this to Sierra."

His thoughts went out to his wife. If Jonas initially made all the concessions, the roles were inverted, and Sierra went along with all his plans. Jonas knew Sierra's fears of bearing a child in a foreign country, but his wife smiled and held a happy front. Going to France to see other people she loved would definitely do her some good.

How was he to tell her?

"I'm sorry, Jonas. It's so unexpected; I was truly appalled when I received the papers. Your wife was right. I think we don't have the slightest idea of who these people are."

They hung up after deciding to meet the next day.

Jonas went home; the smell of cinnamon and apples filled the room.

"Mom," Jonas said without thinking as he entered the kitchen. The scent was identical to his mother's apple pies.

Sierra stood up with a bright smile, "I did it."

Jonas approached, "you made this?"

"Yes," Sierra's eyes twinkled, "your mom has been teaching me since I arrived. I'll make one in Paris for Jacob."

"Eh, Sierra," Jonas gulped, "about going to Paris. Is it okay if we go a little later? There are a few matters I have to attend to at work that I completely neglected."

"Oh, okay," Sierra said as she put down her apple pie. Her disappointment was palpable. Still, she displayed a neutral expression. The scene was heartbreaking for Jonas, who knew too well what the type of silence meant.

"I'm sorry, Sierra, it's just I'd like to be there."

"It's fine Jonas, I mean, I could go alone."

"No," Jonas said abruptly, "hmm, I mean, I prefer being with you, especially now." The man's eyes roamed onto Sierra's stomach. She needed a stress-free environment and rest. He couldn't tell her. Jonas preferred to carry the Gauthier's weight alone.

"Aren't you a little overprotective? I'm not porcelain."

"We can still go to Kiruna. It's just I need to be in Sweden. I knowㅡ."


The sound came from the living room. They both dashed to see what it was.

"C'est Rufu, [it's Rufus]," Leone accused while he pointed at the broken frame of a photo of the three of them.

"Leone, stay back, Sierra, you too."

Sierra picked up her son to check he had nothing, "ce n'est pas bien Leone," she scolded.

"C'est Rufu, mama."

Jonas picked up the most significant bits and swept the rest of the shattered glass.

They ate dinner, and Sierra didn't come back on the aborted voyage to Paris.

Jonas profited from the moment Sierra sat to read Leone's bedtime story in his bedroom to make his call.

In the meantime, somewhere in Prague, the phone rang simultaneously as the door. Colette chose to open first. The woman stepped back to let the visitor inside.

"Well, what took you so long?"

"You don't seem surprised," answered the visitor.

"I am; I'm even terrified. Does fear still turn you on?" Colette asked.

"You think you're smarter than anyone else, don't you."

"I don't think I know that I am. I know how this story is going to end," Colette replied.

"Then you know what's going to happen."

Colette sighed, "bodies always float to the surface."

"We'll see about that."

Colette's phone stopped ringing at that instant, and the voicemail went off for Jonas, "hi, Colette. It's Jonas; I hope you are well? It's been a while. It's about the Gauthiers; Iㅡneed your help. Can you please call me back?"

While Jonas spoke, Colette desperately tried to grasp her aggressor, who strangled her with a plastic bag.


The man hung up and turned to face his wife, "finished?"

"He's asleep."

"What we're you doing?" Sierra asked as she stepped forward.

Jonas looked at the phone, "I was listening to my messages. Sierra about parisㅡ."

"It's fine, Jonas. I'm sure Jacob will be just as happy if I tell him in a few weeks. I know how close you two are. I understand you want to be there. Hey, what's wrong?" She took another step toward him.

Jonas'ssorrowful face made Sierra wonder. Her husband's humor drastically changed between the morning and his return from work. He grasped her in an embrace that left Sierra with an odd sensation. Melancholia so deep it invaded the woman who held her husband tighter.

The man feared who none except the creator swam in the dread of seeing something happening to Sierra.

What could he do?

Jonas was on the second stop of his guilt trip; his heart crumbled. The man hated hiding things. He wished to end things with the Gauthiers once and for all. The Gauthiers attacked him where it hurt, and Jonas longer cared about what became of them. The man who never detested or held a grudge found himself loathing the entire family. He hoped Colette would call back.

Jonas could not imagine that while he nourished the idea of exposing the Gauthiers for what they were, his best ally's lifeless body trailed in a suitcase to its final resting place.

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