We were at a signal when Sakshi bhabhi says something .

"Guys ..isn't that Nikita?",she says and all our head snaps towards ths direction Sakshi bhabhi was pointing at .

"She isn't alone someone is with her",Aisha says .

"Who is that?",Rishi asks .

I look closely and see it's Vivek ...my brother-in-law .

And only Nikita and Vivek aren't their , Arjun and Janvi are also with them .

"Nikita and Vivek are holding hands....",Sakshi bhabhi says .

I park at a side and we four get out .

"Okay guys act natural like we bumped into them just for a while",Rishi says and we head towards them pretending we don't know yet they are here .

"Ohh Hey Arjun , Janvi , Vivek and ...Nikita what are you doing here?",I ask as soon as we are near them .

They both quickly leave their hands .

"Oh hey bhaiya's and bhabhi and Aisha ",Nikita says nervously .

"Aare Jiju you are here too and Rishi , Sakshi bhabhi , Aisha you all too?",Vivek asks nervously .

Vivek receives a glare from me and Rishi .

"We saw you....",Aisha says .

"Holding hands",Sakshi bhabhi completes the statement .

"I- bhaiya's ...bhabhi ....",Nikita starts to speak but stops .

"When ?"


"Since when is this going on?"

We threw questions at them .

"Chill jiju and Bhabhi and Rishil",Arjun says but we glare at him too making him shut up .

"You know right you all dating one of my only 4 sisters?",I ask and he nods .

"Yes I know jiju",He says .

( A/N : Though Nikita and Rashi are Kabir , Yash , and Rohan's cousin sisters but Rishi , Jay and Naksh consider Nikita and Rashi as their sisters too same goes for Kabir , Yash and Rohan they consider Jay , Naksh and Rishi's cousin sister Aarna and Ishani as their sisters too)

We all go and sit in an open restaurant .

"So when did this happened?",I ask .

"It was during Your and Trisha bhabhi's sangeet",Nikita says .

"Yes jiju it was then when I got very fond of her",he tells me .

"Since when are you guys in a relationship?",Rishi asks .

"After 2 months of you your and Trisha's wedding we started dating after talking with each other for first 2 months",Vivek says .

Me and Rishi interoggate Vivek and whenever Arjun tried to speak in between we shut him up with our glares . Sakshi bhabhi and Aisha were looking at us in amusement during our whole interrogation .

"So does Mama and Mami know about it ?",I ask .

"No bhaiya but We are planning to tell next week and you know because of this too",Nikita says and shows us her ring finger .

Our mouths except Arjun and Janvi's drop open .

"No way",we all say together .

"It's true jiju",Arjun says .

"Arjun...",I warn him and he apolozies to me and keeps his mouth shut whem Janvi too scolds him .

"You proposed her too?",I ask and he nods .

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