Chapter 20-Truths

Start from the beginning

I can't answer, I can't. What can I say to this girl who I thought I barely knew. But fate has thrust us together these last few days and nights. Forcing me to dodge and parry her unintentioned attempts to distract me from my goal. My answer will destroy what has been forged between us, for that reason alone I don't give her one.

"Very well," Ivena growls, sheathing her sword and raising her hands that now shimmer with a copper haze.

"Hold him down, perhaps a lesson in manners will make this pretentious prince more reasonable."

Rough hands throw me onto my stomach, effectively pinning me down, unable to free myself. I close my eyes, preparing for the sting of magic that I shall feel down to my bones. Except, at the very moment that I watch her prepare to strike me, the blow does not come. Instead a sound of salvation breaks the air, a sound that I thought I would never hear.

"Stop!" Tara screeches, making me open my eyes to see her grab hold of Ivena's arm.

"Let him go take me instead, I'm the one you want. I'm the Ghost, the silver aura."

The ruthless Shifter Queen drops the control on her magic, the copper sparks disappearing as swiftly as they had come. Her face softens, taking in the wild eyed Tara grasping hold of her jacket sleeve. In that moment, my rage at this woman who played a part in my mother's death, dwindles to a shuddering flame as a tear escapes down her cheek.

"Girl you are much more than that," she whispers, making Tara scrunch her brows together in confusion.

"What is part of my body but on its own? A piece of my heart all alone. The greatest gift one could have, that gladly gives its love back."

Tara jerks away, shaking her head so much that her hair whips back and forth like shaking limbs. Disbelief and defiance paint her soft features, as she stares down this strange woman talking in riddles.

"You can't make me answer that," Tara seethes, backing up slowly until she returns to Jace's side.

"I won't answer that."

"But you do want this boy to be released, yes?" Ivena questions, as the women finally bring me back up to my feet.

Tara glances at me, her emotions evidently warring with the usual calm calculation that exudes from her. I hang my head in shame, wishing I could look away from her eyes, swollen and red with tears. How she must despise me, more so than my outburst at her in that dockside bar. I don't doubt that she is playing every encounter between us over and over again in her mind.

Every word, every action, every glance being picked over for the signs of our unknown feud. I wouldn't blame her if she chose to leave me to the mercy of the Queen. Especially, after all the threats I threw at her as the Hunter, an assassin without a care for the ones they capture. A tool to be used, a weapon to be feared, a man to be hated for what he has done to the lives of many.

"I do," Tara breathes out, her voice sounding far away and filled with stabbing grief.

"He is an unwilling pawn in all of this. So let him go, let him go or I will never give you your treasure."

"You are as silver tongued and aggravatingly astute as the rumors say," Ivena huffs, gripping her sword right in her grasp.

"But I will have what has been lost to me, or I shall have him thrown into the belly of my ship. Your choice dear little Starling, but I must know. Is that the only reason?"

Through hooded eyes I glance up at Tara. Expecting disdain or anger, even contempt to appear on her face from such a ridiculous question. However, what I see crumbles any walls that I thought I had secured around my heart. A warm sad smile lights up her eyes, regret shining in their depths.

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