"Be honest with me. I... just want the truth, please. You're the being that I have less lied to, I think that I at least deserve that much."

The silence of Vritra was maintained for at least thirty seconds snd Y/N was starting to think that it would stay that way, silent. Until the dragon decided to speak.

"Because I also judged you... But can you blame me? I also have seen Cain in your eyes. Y/N, I could see the evilness within you... My past two users treated me as nothing but an unlimited fountain of raw power. You're the only one who has treated me as an equal but I still have my doubts... Do you know why?"


"Because you're a human. And humans are the most selfish, manipulative, evil beings that I saw, even more than Gods and Goddesses."

After receiving this information, Y/N frowned.

"Is that all..? Just because of a prejudice is your reason for not trusting me? Just because of that...? You're nothing but a child."

You don't understand!

For the first time ever.. Vritra rose the tone of his voice at him but Y/N didn't stand behind.

"Then stop the bullshit! Make me understand, Vritra. If you keep this constant neglecting of information then you only take me to my demise. And then you will be used as nothing more than a slave. Because you know it, the only one in this entire universe that will treat you like someone and not a godamn beast is me! And you're treating that only person as a damn Scum!-"

Y/N fell silent in the realization of his outburst and looked down before he let out a deep breath to calm himself.

"I... am sorry."

I lost everything. I lost my freedom, my love, my dignity, my family, my desire... of being called someone. It's true. No one in this world will ever treat me as you do. Everyone who I lie my eyes on, I see the greed more than the person itself. I concluded that I... am nothing more than simple power.

"No. You're not power... You're my friend Vritra, and I will never wrong you. But I can with the future alone... I need your help Vritra. We need to work alongside or else both of us will suffer a terrible end. Will you help me..? Will you trust me? Even a little bit more."

Y/N extended his hand into a fist towards him and Vritra looked at it but his eyes revealed insecurity...

Why? Why he was so insecure about trusting him?



Something interrupted them.

A loud sound that resembled a glass being shattered into millions of pieces along with a bright light that blinded them.

Y/N managed to see what was causing all this disaster and saw some sort of flashing star up in the center of the sky.

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