Flirtous Zombie,horny human(Zombie pov)

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(Chapter 8,2/2)

!warning!this chapter is mainly Smut!

The group of humans were inside of the human Camp,all of them,while me jay and Claire Were waiting for the last bit of sun to go out,And once it did we taked our Glasses off,Showing Red glowing eyes,we are ready to hunt,

I Sniffed around and smelled the Scent of a pack of Deer the Air Carried from down The Mountain we are on,Then we three got to hunting,each one with different prey's,I Sprinted towards the smell of deers coming from upwind, feeling the cold air and scents go into my nose,once i was close enought i fastly Crouched,ready To strike once i seemed it fit,I waited for the right moment,And once i Striked A deer down A male deer Tried to headbutt me with its antlers, what he didnt expect was me grabbing his antlers and Breaking them off his Head,making him bleed as i could see His brain.

I striked down two more deer before the rest Runned off,i use my Blade sharp nails to open a deer open,i then Bited deep into him,once i let a carcass of Bone Fur and Rought skin behind as take a quick sniff of the air,something Awakes my inner Zombie,The smell of human pee,Althought it was extremely gross i wanted to keep hunting,But i ignored it, Going back to the deers i had killed, Leaving only Fur,bones and the organs i considered gross to eat,like the stomach And the intentines,also their Brain,i Ate their hearts mainly, and No fat Meat or Blood were left on the dead carcass i left behind.

I wasnt full,My body quickly Prosessed the food i just ate,Roaring for me to eat more,i heard humming,a human humming,This is the worst time for a human to be out,And he was Close to the Deers that runned off,he startled the Deers and they runned right back to me,My animal inside me got the best of me and Hunted as many of them down and them ate them.

I could hear a scream and i snapped back at reality,"Please don't eat me" jackson said,I look at him with my red glowing eyes and a crooked smile Forms on my face as i see That every deer on the pack of deers is Pretty much a carcass of intestines bones and fur. I look at The still alive animal i had pinned down,With a quick swipe of my nails i cutted its Veins that Gived Blood to the brain and started drinking the blood,once i was sasiated i clean my mouth by passing the back of my hand on it,i feel my tongue Lick my teeth, "don't worry,i won't kill you,Jackson"i say,"E-Elijah?!"he yelps, it was dark and i'm sure he couldnt See me or my face,only my glowing red eyes,I go towards where he is,he is in a little clearing The forest had, And i let him see me, i had no boots nor Socks on, I was wearing only a Short sleeved Gray shirt and my jeans,all coated in fresh Blood,its quite obvius that i still want to hunt "if you want to live then don't run"i warn him.

My red eyes don't help him calm down,i slowly walk towards him,"okay.. calm down, i'm not going to hurt you or harm u in any way"i say and he nods,I don't think he is able to talk without screaming "jackson,do you trust me?" I ask even trought i know the answer its gonna be no,"y-yea..i think i do"He responds,Taking a step foward.

After Calming him down we were both Talking,sitting on the grass,Until it started to rain,"shit!"Jackson yells as heavy rain comes from the Sky with No warning,"come with me,i'll get you to the cabins me and the rest of the aurora pack are staying in"i say as i grab his arm,he nods and we both walk off, we sprinted at human speed trought the forest,then i carry him as we were pretty close to my cabin,Bride style, "W-woah! Whats this for"he ask's"were close,And i'm gonna be sprinting,so hold on"i respond as i start running,Of course my Inhuman speed and reflexes make Jackson scared,But the Rain was gonna keep on going for days, as it hadnt Rained in three days and the Sky was always nublated.

Once we were back at my cabin i let him Stand on his Own feet"you-you're pretty fast"he says as he sees the fact that He is not really that wet from the rain,i only "hmm hmm"him as i Take my  Shirt coated in blood off"Holy-!"he says,Interrumping himself by putting a hand on his mouth"like what you see my little prey~?"i ask,with a grinn smile On my face,"N-no! Why would i!your a rotting corpse"he Exclaims,Tryng to find A way to look away of my body withouth it looking too obvius"Honey,i'm not a corpse,My heart still beats"i say as i get closer to him,his already flustered Face Gets even redder as i put his hand on my chest"can u feel it?"i ask,He nods and i let him pull away his hand.

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