Crazy humans,bonding with new friend (Zombie pov)

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(Chapter 3: 2/2)

As i Use my rollerskates To Stroll around The Park i Smell a scent,"More Zombies" i say, in a"i'm tired of this bullshit" tone "Oi!youre one too" Jay Punches Me in the Shoulder,"whatever"i can sense the moon slowly going out, i let out a sigh"Sorry,i don't know why i'm so moody recently" i apologise Cinserebly,"its because your a loner,Althougth because i'm a stalker This Makes me very happy, Your supposed to stay alone and Not be in Groups,y ou guys don't even partner With other hunters"he explains to me.

"Lest take a break, I don't get it But having someone to talk to Its nice,Even trought i consider you quite annoying and you get on my nerves"i say,"well,i guess it makes sense,ive never heard a hunter talk to other Zombies, They only make their Growls and Territorial Sounds to everyone as all of them are feral now"he explains,again, we pause,i'm not quite tired but being around him Makes me Feel Angry,i put my mask over, covering my mouth and Nose,Taking deep breaths so i don't rage,"that smells delicius, dosen't it make you hungry?"he ask's As he hungryly Stare's at my Piece of cloth"Its my Old human scent"i get a"ohhhh"out of him once i tell him that"so youre that much in control"he says,i raise an eyebrown at him"Most zombies in control Get hungry at any scent of humans, Even their old human scent,it means that you can control yourself better"i nod.

"Makes sense"i say,The Sun slowly Rising as the Moon already left the Sky,"where are we going?"i ask,"to a safe pla-"a gunshot Can be heard,"b-back off lauren!" A young mans human voice can be heard,why are there people out at this time?, i question myself,i looked At our right"F-fuck! I alerted them!"he yells,Both me and jay are looking at A young man Tryng to get away of a blue haired man with a Seringe, the same young man That i bited, We were Looking at eachoter, The i looked at jay, and mumbled in Zombi-sh"Are you hungry?i'm not"and he Shakes his head no.

"uhmm,We come in peace?"i say in english, both the humans look incredibly shooked"I shouldnt of have talked right?"i ask jay,he nods,both of us look pretty decent for humans that are in an apocalyptic world,but Our eyes have just a dim glow that only Zombies have,Making it obvius what we are"y-your the Z-Zombie that bited me!" Jay puts his hand Toward himself in a" me?" manner, i Slap it off him and Nudge him "lest run away"i whisper im Zombi-sh To him,we slowly Walk away "WaIt!yOuR A zOmBiE aNd YoU cAn tAlK?!" the man with a seringe said, he was on drugs.



"Can u keep up with a hunters max speed?"

"No, but i can try"

"Then u better try hard" i say as i start to run, Using at max speed my rollerskaters, i, surprisingly, can hear my heartbeat drill in my hears, i run, making extremely sharp corners that only a person on a skateboard or Roller Skates could make, Jay Was trailing behind, but still On my tail, As i was going as fast as the Roller skates could go, they were my only pair and i dindt want to break them, I see an open Door to a mall, a loud growl escapes My Mouth When i see the lights flickering,I go trought the doors to be greeted by Zombies, Jay was behind me and once he got in I Closed the door,we maked some noise so the other zombies Were lured into the doors, blocking them.

"Were safe for now"i breathe out,"you could of just kill-"i put A Finger in front of his mouth"i don't Kill if its not the only option left"i say, Grabbing a bag of Dried Berries"u eat human food?"he ask's, i nod Opening the Plastic bag And eating some Berries"i'll be grabbing a lot more Bagged rations of food, If youve noticed,I carry a badpack with human food in it" i say, signaling at My Militar Purple backpack.

" ate that man with m-"He was gonna mention when not so long ago i ate that man Because i let my insticts overcome me,I accidentally let out a warning growl to him"shit,sorry,i didnt mean that"i apologise to him, i didnt want to growl like that"hey, its okay, i'll wont Push on that Sudject anymore" it was kinda obvious my growl affected him, it maked him Sudmit, A territorial growl just escaped my mouth "look,im serius,i dindt mean that-" i try to apologise again but he cuts me off" i guess we still don't know each other boundries" he says whille Sobbing his arm.

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