hirarchy and a Snack(Zombie Pov)

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(Chapter 2,2/2)

(Elijah pov)

I don't know what to do next,And even if i knew It would probably be A how to survive in the Zombie apocalypse, Alive, tip, surprisingly, Now that i know how Sweet is Human meat my hunger waked up again.

I'm very glad That when i leaved the mall it was already sunset,and also that i did my business there,Don't wanna be holding in pee When youre a Zombie, i'm also pretty sure that most Zombies smell like...those things that u do when i go to the bathromm and old Blood, pretty much they smell like corpses, allthought i saw Some wich were Faster,Runners,and some Zombies in a basketball Thingy, Once they heared the Sound of my Rollerskaters They Jumped the walls, and runned after me at a faster pace Than normal Zombies runners and jumpers but once they taked a sniff They simply passed me,Do i smell like a corpse?oh,its i hope its not that, i hope its because My Posture has never been straight, My knees Used to Bend even a little, now, My Bad walking and standing Form should make me Seem like the Perfect zombie, Most Zombies are even Worse, Some even crawling even if they have both legs, i'm Pretty decent for being undead.

And my Semi-straight Posture would make other survivors not Shoot at me the firts time they see me, As i still Look human, And i'm using rollerskaters, wich i know how to use, and i'm using them like a human would, even if Zombies attacked me i would move quite faster than runners, Allthought the Jumpers give me the hivi-llivis, They look the more animalistic out of all the Zombies i've seem.

My face is now mostly Emontionless, with a hint of happynes, And Most of my before Knotted and Hard Muscles Relaxed, Making My everyday human Pain Dissapear.

As i skated around the City i recognised some Things, And an old, Strong smell got to My Nose, My old human smell, on a seemingly broken down house, i enter and Go to the firts bedroom, it comes From a Tiny Blanket, i take a wiff At the room and it smells like me, Before the Zombies got to me, Cooked food and Two other Smells come from the next Room, I get closer to the wall and.. its my Parents,The same smell The Persons i firts Heared when i turned, they were my father and My mother... i can fell the tears forming on my Eyes.

But i hold them in.

After a deep search without the need of a flashlight due to my now enhanched night vision i discover, that i don't have family anymore,no siblings to search for, the Strong smell of Years of use in the light yellow,With an atlmost black corner Tiny blanket,Would hide the Smell of any human If i somehow used it As a cloth Mask, I Cutted And Maked the Tiny yellow blanket Even littler, the now ligth yellow greyish Bandit Mask Was my only being of comfort, My old human scent Filled me with happines, There also was Dirt and dust, but i don't care.

My body dindt have A Pugnent smell like the other Zombies, i maked no scent anymore, my sweat was now Odorless, or so i thought, but i still was bathed in sweat, So a quick bath would Make it go away, I'll just wear the same clothes i had on anyways, after a Long cold water I was wrapped in towels, and brushing my hair, Once i soaked off and my hair was no longer was scurring I putted some Clothes on, It was midnight, and i could see like like it was still sunset, after i got ready, with the Cloth on My Face, Like a bandit, i get out the house and start Walking off, if I remember right there is a military Thingy not so far from here so i'll walk the opposite way from where it its.

My old human smell fill's Me with every breath i take, Its quite Comforting, i Can now Think more clearly, i Can smell The Cold wind trought the Cloth, The looking at the Moon was Like seeing a Sunset, i looked at a car windown,my Eyes are glowing,both A golden Orangish with a red hue, my glow shows Strenght, the glowing eyes of a Predator Saying that i'm ready to hunt, i walked on the Atlmost empy road, The eyes of some Zombies glowed dark red, those with dark Red eyes were Slower Than normal Zombies, but they could jump, they are jumpers.
I must stand down if i don't wanna Fight one of those motherfuckers like that runner is doing, they scare the shit out of me, I silently skated around, waching as the jumper Gets the firts blow on the runner, But the runner keepts tryng to hit the jumper, once the Runner falls to the ground he whines, i see, so we do the hirarchy thing uh? I was just waching, My eyes glowing intensily, but the jumper's eyes locked with mine he Jumped in front of me, it scared the shit out of me making me flinch, I couched down and tilted my head down,somehow it feel natural and Embarrasing at the same time, i looked up, He nooded and jumped past me, it was clear that i was Submitting, i don't wanna fight any Zombie,at all,Especially when i don't have any weapon to help me, and jumpers scare the shit out of me, with their lanky Stature,thin legs and long arms,and most of the jumpers i have seen are atleast 6 foot tall, this one was no Exception.

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