Characters list & info

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Main Zombie in control
Full Name:Elijah Ramiel Shadow
Traits: straight dark brown hair, Dark cyan And Golden brown eyes.
Zombie race:Nighthunter
Relations:member of aurora Zombie pack

Main Human Survivor
Full name:Jackson Rojers
Traits:Black jet straight hair, Light cyan Eyes
Relations:Menber Of Black moon human band

Main Male Zombie in control
Full name:Jay Ramiel
Traits:Fluffly and curly Brown hair,Orange eyes
Zombie race:Stalker

elations:Leader of Aurora Zombie pack

Main female Human Survivor
Full name:Jane clarson
Traits:Greyish orange Curly hair, brown eyes
Rank:Leader of a black moon human band
Relations:Leader of Black moon human band

Main Female Zombie in control
Full name:Clarise Shadow
Traits:Black jet Straight hair, Emerald dark green eyes
Zombie race:Runner
Relations:Mate of the leader of Aurora Zombie pack

Main male human Survivor
Full name:Lucario Rillan
Traits:red hair,tanned skin, Blue eyes
Rank:jane's left hand

Main Pets of Characters
Lucifer:blue eyed dark brown dog,german Shepherd
Lilith:Striped Four Coloured fur, cat with heterocromia,green and blue eyes
Molli:Brown husky, green Yellowish eyes

=Zombie ranks & others=

Clawrler Zombie: A weak Zombie that isnt even on the pack Hirachy

Normal Zombie:Monsters without a hearbeat carring the Zombie Virus, they are husk of a human corpse  that obeys other Zombies and most humans Turn into these

Stalker:Zombies with hearbeat That Hunt in packs,alone they are pretty weak but in numerous hordes or packs they can be the deadlies things to exist in this dammed World,pretty slow but faster than ur general clicker. The chances of becoming one of these if 1 in 100

Clicker Zombies: Blind Zombies with a Keen sense of hearing,faster than normal Zombies,they travel in packs underground , with the leader being the qlicker that makes the most sound guiding the pack. The chances of becoming one of them depends how dark it is when u Die

Spitter:Zombies wich use their Green Neon stomach acids as a Projectile, they go mainly in packs of Clickquers due to them being blind, Their own acids Burn their eyes so they go Mainly on Smell and their great sense of hearing, allthought as slow as a normal Zombie they can launch their acids very far. The chances of becoming one of these is 1 in 500

Runners:The second Race of Zombies in the horde/pack hirachy,They are as fast as a human and Stronger than one, They can sprint hours on end without the need for A rest, if you don't kill it once it noticed u it wont stop chasing u until u kill it,As it has a great sense of smell. The chances of becoming one of these is 1 in 1000

Jumpers:normally the leaders of the hordes, they can jump up to 5 store buldings thanks to their Laky stature and Long arms, they are Thin and the shorters jumper seen was 6'3,They may be slow on foot but they mostly travel trought jumping on the trees of the forest or trought the building of the city. The chances of becoming one of these is 1 in 5000

Night horrors: Giant Zombies that have the strength to Knock down a skyscraper with ease,but are slow as Crawlers, only 5 of these haven been seen since the Apocalypse started, chances of becoming one of these are close to none.


Light Stealers:Its know that this race of Zombies exist thanks to Zombies in control of their actions, but nobody knows anything about them, only that they are the weakest of the loners and that they Make no sounds, Killing if their prey is all alone in the night, and that they Turn off all sorts of Artificial light and natural light Too like Fire and The light some animals make,all thougth nobody knows how they do it and if they are even real as its say that they don't leave even the bones left.

Night stalkers: Similar to the Stalkers but closer to the night hunters, Faster and stronger than ur general stalker, these don't hunt in pack or groups, they go alone And hunt once night comes, They, like their name, stalk their Prey giving an Uneasy feeling to their prey until they show demselves and make their prey start running, once their prey is tired they Strike it and Kill it. The chances of becoming one of these by the bite of a normal Zombie is 1 in 8000

Night hunters:The only thing that can Rival these are night terrors and night horrors, stronger than your Average runner,and faster than a human, the are extremely unpredictable when feral, they are sneaky Creatures that hunt mainly on mooses bears and other big animals, they tend to go feral as they are extremely strong and fast, they have to hunt every night to not let their bloodlust take their humanity and sanity away if they don't want to become feral,they tend to fight everything that moves, not caring if its a Animal or Zombie bigger than them, they are know For Letting night terrors Very, very Messed up, but still, night terrors can win againts Night hunters, if the night hunter is feral of course.

Night terrors:not much is know of them, but that they are The strongest Loner Zombie, the only thing that can win easily against them is a night Horror, but they don't fight those, they are the Most intelligent Race of Zombies even if feral.

Blood infection:Self-Discovery (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now