Turbo smiled at me and grabbed my hand. "Come on, let's go explore!" I smiled back at him, chuckling slightly at his enthusiasm, but before we could get very far, things went sideways.

"Halt, glitches! You must be stopped!" We looked behind us to see two security guards chasing after us. We started to run, but I tripped over something and the guards managed to catch us. I looked over in apology at Turbo, but he was looking at our surroundings.

The guards brought us in front of two boxes. One was labeled glitch fix, and the other one was glitch delete. The guards stopped, scanning us. "Glitches are too far gone to be fixed, we must delete them." I started to struggle in their grasp, and then Turbo glitched into his cybug form, successfully escaping his guard and grabbing me. He hurled us into the glitch fix box, the doors closing behind us.

Everything was dark, but then it was super painful. I hardly had time to scream before I blacked out.

They developed feelings:
(Y/n) was hard to decipher. It was obvious she had to think about what she was going to say to me in order to keep me happy and hopeful, but she wasn't happy or hopeful at all.

I hope I can help her be happier eventually...

They ask you out:
When I opened my eyes next, I was holding Turbo's hand, and we were back in the Game Center, with a crowd gathered around us. I looked over at Turbo to see him in his king candy form. Characters from various games started to whisper around us, so as soon as Turbo started to wake up, I helped him get up and we ran towards the unplugged portal.

Everyone stared at us, and the portal wasn't there. Turbo grunted, pulling me along to a different portal, one that led to the Internet. We made it through, and Turbo started to laugh joyously. "They could see us (y/n)! They could see us!" I nodded my head, hugging him.

"We're no longer glitches Turbo." He hugged me back, taking a deep breath. "You know, know that we can interact with things again, would you like to have a date at Tapper's?" I smiled at him, giggling slightly. "Before we get chased out? Sure!"

First date:
After a few hours, we had managed to sneak back into the Game Center and then to tappers without causing too much of a scene. We sat down at one of the tables, and I refused in the scent of the restaurant, vaguely sweet, and clean.

Turbo reached his hands out and caught two root beers that were flung our way. "So (y/n), now that we aren't glitches, what do you think we should do?" I thought for a moment, but then I remembered something.

"Well, I found an off-screen secret in sugar rush. It's beyond the mentos mountain, just a ways. Is a lovely little mansion made out of chocolate wafers. We could live there, and we wouldn't have to worry so much about anybody finding us." Turbo smiled. "Wonderful! I hope we can get there without incident!"

We continued to talk, laughing and drinking, but then there was shouting. "There they are! King Candy and (y/n)!" I laughed and grabbed Turbo's hands, running it off there and to sugar rush. We didn't stop until we made it to the mansion I had told him of.

Once we were there, we fell to the ground, laughing.

Head cannons:
Turbo likes his king candy form more, he thinks it's more attractive.

He likes to have fun, so often times he chases you around, threatening to tickle you.

He loves to take you on drives, showing off his racing skills and giving you the thrill of it all.

Once the arcade shuts down, he likes to take you all over the place, exploring the Internet, trying a quick drink at tappers, anything to make you smile.

First kiss:
I sighed as I relaxed into a gumdrop couch. Turbo said he was preparing a surprise for me, so I had to stay in my room. That was probably a good thing as I had hardly had any sleep last night.

I had been having nightmares about the end of my game, and couldn't stand seeing everything repeat again and again, so I just started awake.

I had been in here for almost two hours, and I had read a book and finished a project I had been working on. Now I was so tired I could hardly think. I closed my eyes for just a moment, but I could feel myself drifting off.

After a few more minutes, I heard Turbo's footsteps coming toward my room. I didn't want to open my eyes quite yet, I don't want to get up and do stuff.

I heard the door open and felt Turbo come towards me. I heard him giggle, but I just opted to remain half asleep. He brushed the hair out of my face. "How to wake the sleeping beauty? Well, there's really only one way." He giggled again, then I felt his lips on mine

I opened my eyes, then closed them again, leaning into the kiss. Turbo pulled away, smiling at me. "Are you ready for your surprise love?" I nodded my head, smiling at him.

They meet your family:
I nearly laughed as Turbo excitedly led me to wherever he was going to lead me. He looked back at me smiling. "Now, I have to give you some background to this surprise my gumdrop." I nodded my head, motioning for him to continue.

"So, a few nights ago, I couldn't sleep, and I don't want to bug you, so I decided to go explore the Internet. After a while, I managed to find a website for displaced video game characters. I stayed there for a bit, and then I encountered someone I thought you'd like to meet."

He led me into the mentos mountain, where, on the otherwise, I could see a young woman dressed as a princess. I froze in place, watching as she turned around. She gasped, running towards me. I didn't know what to do, so I just stood still as she wrapped her arms around me.

"(Y/n), it really is you! I missed you so much!" I looked at her, then gently wrapped my arms around my younger sister. "I thought you hated me..." she smiled up at me with teary eyes. "I was mad, yes, but I never hated you." I hugged Gisela tighter, looking at Turbo, mouthing the words, "Thank you."

You meet their nemesis:
Turbo and I were back at tappers. People had stopped trying to chase us out, so it was relatively peaceful. We were laughing and talking, having the times of our lives when things got suspiciously quiet.

Turbo Scar I looked over at the entrance to see Venelope Von Schweetz and wreck it Ralph. They stormed towards us, then tapper glared at them and they calmed down a bit. They sat in front of us, glaring daggers straight into our skulls.

Ralph looked too angry to talk, so Venelope did the talking. "How are the two of you alive!? You were dead!" Turbo and I started trying to explain, stumbling over each other but eventually managed to get the story out.

After a moment, Ralph held up a hand. "Wait wait wait, so you're telling us that for years and months, you two were ghostly touches that no one could see, but the Internet somehow fixed that, and now you're living in a secret mansion in sugar rush and are dating?" I nodded my head and Turbo nodded in agreement.

Venelope sighed. "As long as the two of you aren't causing too much trouble."

Their Happily Ever After (Disney villains x reader)Where stories live. Discover now