standing up for my wife⚠️❤️ N.R

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background- you are natasha's wife, you have 3 kids mila (1) theo (2) lily (15)  cole (17)
you are going with nat to meet her parents for the first time. (based off black widow scene of her and alexi
you where at the red room as well but they harvested yours and natasha's eggs.
you got your eggs to have children by yourself, hence lily and cole. since you didn't want to miss the opportunity
lily and cole quickly accept natasha as their mother
you and natasha have been together 8 years and 6 of those you have been married.

warnings - shouting, breastfeeding, slapping
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nat "BABE! let's go!"
y/n "yeh coming. when your breastfeeding two babies then you can tell me to hurry"
nat "are you worried do you have everything?"
y/n "yeh let's go."
you climb on the jet with mila and theo attached at your hip cole instantly lays down and falls asleep being smart wanting to sleep through most of the flight
lily "come on theo give mama a break."
theo "no mamaaaa!"
he clings to you
y/n "im right here baby, but go okay with lily, i need to talk to momma"
you hand over mila and nudge theo over to lily.
she happily takes them both and the play.
you go to the cock pit and get sorted
nat "how are the kids"
y/n "they are playing with lily. so who am i meeting today?"
nat "my mother, father and younger sister"
y/n "im gonna need names."
nat "melina is my mother. Alexi is my father and yelena is my sister"
y/n "alright thank you."

time skip
you have been in the helicopter for 3 hours now.
you sick and so is natasha.
both babies need fed and need to nap
y/n "lily, you want to come sit here with momma while i feed the babies?"
lily "yeh!! momma will you teach me how to fly!!"
nat "of course."
you jump up and go to the babies.
you remove your top and both latch without problems.
they both fall asleep feeding so you lay them down with a blanket covering them
they slowly fall asleep cuddling into cole, he instantly cuddles a baby into each side of him.
you then go back to the cock pit to see lily in full control of the helicopter
y/n "well done baby."
lily "now me and cole can fly together!"
y/n "yes you can."
nat "you want to go take a nap with your siblings?"
lily "yeh we still have 12 hours to go and hopefully we will sleep through all of that"
y/n "i hope all 4 of you do."
nat "goodnight lily"
lily goes back to her siblings and cuddles with them and falls asleep.
time jump
you have just landed and both babies are screaming as they are overdue a feed. you boobs are killing due to them missing a feed as they slept through the whole flight.
nat "cole, lily come take control while is sit with mama."
lily and cole sprint to the seats and take control, you are just flying around as you feed the babies.
you have both babies latched and you have you head back and eyes closed while they feed and your uncomfortable.
nat "babe? you okay?"
y/n "yeh just sore. and stressed about meeting your parents."
nat "they will love you it's fine."
nat "please don't worry too much"
y/n "i know i'm trying"

you let cole and lily land the helicopter. you stand at the door with nat in front of you and the kids

the door swings open. it's melina
melina "Natasha.."
nat "hey mom."
melina grips nat in a tight hug. melina almost looks as if she's missed nat. knowing nats painful history with her family it took me back.
melina "come. come drink with us."
nat "oh. wait melina this is my family."
melina "oh right what to introduce me?"
nat "this is y/n, my wife. this is my oldest cole and the second oldest lily, this is the second youngest theo and our baby mila."
melina "im a grandma?"
nat "yes you are."
melina "alright come on now drink!"
you all get pulled inside of the house and sat at a table where melina is now preparing food.
you give theo and mila a toy each and tell them to go sit in the living room.
cole and lily say in between you and nat at the table
melina "ALEXI! come see! YELENA!"
yelena comes running downstairs
yelena "natasha!"
she jumps into her older sister arms and hugs her tight
nat "yekena this is my wife y/n and my kids cole lily theo and mila"
she says motioning to each of you
yelena sits down with you, right next to nat.
alexi says nothing and sits next to melina.
meliam "so alexi, natasha made a real life for herself. she's married and has kids as you can see"
melina says motioning to you all
Alexi "the wife come with me!"
melina "her name is y/n"
alexi "come walk with me y/n"

outside with you and alexi
there was an uncomfortable atmosphere. you could tell he was angry but you didn't know why.
alexi "so your the one my beautiful natasha wasted her talents on. she was the best assassin in the world until you came along and ruined her, she was an avenger and on top of her game. then you ruined it all. you and those kids who aren't hers or yours for that matter!"
y/n "they are biologically our kids. out blood runs through their veins."
(you had a surrogate and some eggs that natasha and you collected from the red room. that are both of yours)
y/n "and don't you dare sit here and say natahsa has wasted her time with me and the kids they are the best times of her life.  i gave her what YOU took away."
alexi slaps you
alexi "you know nothing"
y/n "i know everything. and i'm not staying here to spent my time being belittled by another man. kiss your grandkids good by your never seeing them again. don't you ever lay a hand on me again."
alexi "your just not good enough for her. you never will be. she's 10x the woman and person you will ever be"
y/n "yet i'm the one she chose to stick by"
the comment about you not being good enough really stuck with you as you always doubted if you where good enough. you alway bad breakdowns and breaks in the relationship because you doubted yourself. so this really hit hard but didn't want to let him know you have been effected by his words.

you storm off trying to hold in tears
you swing open the front door
y/n "lily cole get your stuff we are leaving."
nat "woah princess what's going on?"
y/n "listen natasha i love yous o much but i can do this. you need some time with your family."
nat "your my family"
y/n "with your childhood family."
you hold mila and cole holds theo and lily has all the bags.
you walk out of the door with the kids following.
you wanted to get the kids out of that situation incase alexi hit them two.

natasha's pov

natasha "ALEXI! what did you do!"
alexi "i hold her the truth"
natasha "what truth!"
alexi stays quiet
natasha "DAMIT! what truth alexi!"
alexi "why the aggression huh? i told her that she wasn't good enough for you and then that you where wasting her time on you and the kids."
yelena "why was her face red!"
alexi "i slapped her"
natasha "you did what!"
nat punches alexi across the face

your pov
you have locked the door to the cock pit and the kids are in the seating area while your in the cock oit. you ready the jet for flight.
you slam your hands on the dash board and sob,
you knew what you had to do


y/n : hey, i'm taking the kids home, i think we need to talk i can't do this anymore Natasha, i can't stand in the way of your career or your family. i'm not good enough and you know this. you need someone shoes put together and pretty, someone who is amazing and wonderful, someone who doesn't hold you back.

natasha's pov
i open my phone to find the worst message i've ever received. i launch my phone at the wall by alexi
nat "you want to hope and prey that you haven't just ended my marriage. you where you there when i was up all night screaming because of nightmares NO! where you there when her kids call me momma for the first time NO! where you there supporting me when i had a life threatening injury that took me completely out of fighting NO where you there when i was severely depressed because i couldn't fight NO! where you there all those time i cores for hours on end because i thought i couldn't have kids NO! she was there every step of the way, helping me get back in my feet when you where sucking up to dreykov WHO CAUSED IT ALL. now my kids and my wife have left because of your idiocy!"
nat "i do not want to hear it. i'm leaving."
tony starks quinjet pulls up outside
yelena "can i come?"
natasha "yes, move i miss my kids. and my wife who's possibly just ended our marriage

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