Im not okay.. 🔵⚠️ N.R

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background info - you are natasha romanoffs daughter, you struggle with self harm, but natasha helps you.
your name is anna, your 17. your natashas biological child. you and her both struggle with self harm, she's been clean for years now and your about to reach a year of being clean.

you sit there biting your thumb crying quietly at the compound, trying not to bother anyone. but tonight is a really bad night. you really want to give up and cut but you really wanted to reach a year and feel successful.
you had your bright fingers curly hair pulled back into a bun, you had a black hoodie on and joggers with fluffy socks
you needed your mama.
you scurried to her room and stared at her with your red puffy eyed crying.
she was cuddling with steve but sensed that you needed the mother daughter time.
anna "Мама, я не в безопасности, я не в порядке. я почти год чистый и я хочу навредить себе, пожалуйста, помогите"
(mama, im not safe, im not okay. i'm nearly a year clean and i want to hurt myself please help)
nat "come here детка"
she lay on top of your mother as she wraps her arms around you, you sob into her neck.
nat "what can i do to distract you"
anna "can we swim?"
nat "sure let's go.l
you both out ona swim suit covering yourself with a baggy tshirt.
you get in the pill, clinging to your mother, the water and your mother where really helping. the water being so cold really held the urges.
nat "is it helping?"
anna "yes thank you."
nat "i love you detka"
anna "i love you to mama"
you and nat get out and lay out in the sun, cuddling, nat traces and kisses your self harm scars, this was a comfort thing for the both of you, nat knowing they're healed and your not hurting yourself and for you it was someone loving the scars you had created and helping to heal the things that depict so much pain.

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