dont worry darling 🟣🟡 N.R

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background info- you are nats gf of 1 year, luckily when your periods came she was on mission, but you came on and you try to hide it as you know her past, and don't want to rub it in her face

today you woke up with awful cramps, your periods where quite bad. you've ended up in hospital many time with the cramps and the amount you bled. you thrown up every time your on. you don't know why your periods are so horrendous, your an emotional mess, crying over everything and you are in for 6 days.. great.

you woke up and immediately stripped the bed, knowing you had leaked through. you washes your sheets then went for a nice long hot shower. letting the shower soothe your horrendous cramps.

after the shower you went and changed into boxers and loose grey joggers, you didn't wear a bra coz your boobs where sore enough. and a tight cropped vest.

y/n "hey Jarvis sneakily alert tony to make me a hot water bottle"
jarvis "right on that miss jones."
y/n "oh and tell natasha i've gone out on a mission, won't be back for 6 days"
jarvis "okay miss jones"
you collect your hot water bottle from tony, then curl up in bed with your face stuffed in the pillow and cry in pain.

natasha's pov
i get an alert from jarvis that y/n my gf has gone on a mission and will be back in 6 days, i instantly sense something is off.
i phone fury
fury "hey romanoff what's the problem?"
nat "any missions for y/n this week?"
fury "no, she's called in sick, she has the week off"

my gf is sick and didn't tell me

i hang up and instantly try to get into y/n room it's locked but i hears muffled cries.
nat "y/n baby i know your in there. what's wrong detka?"
no answer
nat "baby i know your sick, why don't you open the door, i can help."

y/ns pov
i hear nat outside the door and i want nothing but for her to cuddle me, but i don't want her knowing about my period, she can't have hers so i don't want her to worry about mine.
i hear her footsteps get quieter and then hear her door shut, she's left phew.
the next thing i know wanda has unlocked my door and is now stood in the room with me
wanda "y/n.."
y/n "mhm"
wanda "i think we need to call an ambulance, your bleeding a lot, too much for a period, your rolling around in pain this isn't normal."
y/n "im gonna be sick, i can't move"
wanda moves the bin over to you and you throw up
wanda "hey jarvis call an ambulance"
wanda lays you on your back with you sobbing in pain.
she holds the hot water bottle on your stomach.
thor comes running in after the alert from jarvis

thor "how can i help."
after wanda evaluating for a minute she realised that you wouldn't want thor rifling around in your underwear draw
wanda "come and hold y/n while i sort her bottom half out."
thor comes and holds you in his arms and holds the hot water bottle while gently massaging your stomach.
wanda grabs you some comfy underwear and more joggers. she puts a pad on the underwear and leaves them in the bathroom.
wanda "alright y/n come to the bathroom, so we can change you."
you hunch over and go to the bathroom with wanda, she helps you wipe down your legs and clean yourself up, as well as change your pants.
y/n "bin then there's no saving them."
thor "hey uhhh guys."
wanda "yes thor"
thor "we have an angry natasha stood here"
wanda "tell her not the time. thor come here and carry y/n"
nat "absolutely not. i'll carry her"
nat comes into the bathroom and picks you up bridal style
nat "detka what happened?"
you just sob her her arms
nat "wanda what happened"
wanda "it's her period. she's always gets these really bad periods."
nat "why didn't she tell me"
wanda "she didn't want to make you feel bad. she felt guilty. this is her first period when your here, she's said luckily your alway in a mission so you've never had to see this."
nat "baby girl, i don't care i don't like you in this much pain."
she sits you in her lap
y/n "wanda towel. please"
wanda passes you a towel, you lay it on the sofa and lay off nats lap on the sofa.
nat plaits your hair so it's out of the way.
nat cuddles in close while you wait for the paramedics.

time jump
after a trip to the hospital and many many tests.
y/n "i have a blood disorder called Hemophilia and is usually an inherited bleeding disorder in which the blood does not clot properly. me knowing nothing about my family is probably why i've never known about this."
y/n "thankfully i've been given pills and medication to help, but i'm always gonna have bad periods and bleed heavier than i should."
y/n "now i'm tired natty baby, can i have cuddles?"
nat "of course babygirl."
she snuggles up next to you and you both fall asleep

"she snuggles up next to you and you both fall asleep

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