the argument 🔵⚫️⚠️TW

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background info - your sister passed away, you where very close with her, you where alway together, you even looked like twins as you had similar style and attitudes even tho you where 5 years apart, you are arguing with your father at a cast party, hailee, flo, scar and lizzie all head the argument.
warnings - talk of death,
you dad has showed up at the cast party and began arguing with you out of know where, you refused to come home for thanksgiving or any holidays for that matter, you completely isolated yourself from your family as they all grieved the loss of your sister very openly but you where the. only one that one her properly, the house reminded you too much of her, it was unbearable to be in, waking through the door, the smell of the house killed you as it was the smell of your childhood and all the memories of your sister.

dad " because i'm your father that's why i'll yell at you"
y/n "im 23, i don't need daddy to tell me off"
dad "then quit acting like a child and come home"
y/n "dad. not here. you and mam both know why i won't come home we have talked about this"
dad "we don't like the way your grieving, you need to be with your family"
y/n "no i don't. you don't get to say what i need"
dad "yes i do i'm your father"
y/n "im a friend adult you can't clap your hands and expect me to jump at your every call, i have my own life and own decisions"
dad "your sister died and you don't care."
y/n "i don't care are you serious" you say getting a little annoyed
dad "you don't grieve"
y/n "okay just because you and mam cry and go to her grave and talk about her all the time doesn't mean i have to grieve like that. i can't cry i can't do that. i'm under a microscope all of the time."
dad "you sister died and you couldn't care less. your too wrapped up in your own life!"
at this point everyone was watching and listening
y/n "yeh well by then end of the night you will be daughter less i can't do this anymore. your suffocating me"
dad "go on do it."
y/n "she lay there dead in my arms, saying she loved me, she was my best friend, y/n went some where jules was there. jules did it y/n did to. we where attached et the hip best friends, if i grieve and cry i won't stop. i'll say hi to jules for you don't worry. have fun grieving another daughter."
you run out sobbing.

little did your dad know you had cuts littering up and down your whole body from the agonising mental torture you where in, the night you would wake up screaming seeing jules die over and over again.
the girl at work knew you before jules died and they're worried sick.
you just couldn't do it anymore you just wanted to be with jules again. and there was only one way to do that.
you gripped the vodka bottle and the 4 bottles of pills you had, you walked to the cherry blossom where jules died under and took all 4 bottles with the vodka

the girls pov
we had been working with y/n for years now, we knew her and jules where close and when she died is absolutely crushed her. we have never seen her smile or laugh since jules died. we where hoping that the party tonight would cheer y/n up and give her the boost she needed. well that was all crushed after a huge argument with her father. she promised him she would be dead by the end of the night
lizzie "im worried we need to find her."
hailee "im going to call the police, file a missing persons report."
scar "im gonna send everyone home."
flo "im gonna go look grab some stuff for when we find her. we would find her together"
once everyone had done what they needed to, the police had a search part out looking but the girls knew where you would be so they headed to the cherry blossom without second thought.

they found you foaming at the mouth with vodka and empty pill bottle next to you.
scar "roll her into the recover position."
flo and hailee are sobbing frozen, unable to move with pure shock and fear.
lizzie is teanding to you while scar talks to the paramedics.
they where all escorted home and you where alone at the hospital as your mother and father refused to visit thinking this was all a rouse for attention when infect your lying in a hospital bed not breathing

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