the gang ⚠️🔵 E.O S.J

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background info - you have a history will horrible  mental health issues, that your mother isn't aware of. so you turned to smoking weed to cope. you are Elizabeth Olsen's daughter  (aged 15)
you had just finished hurting yourself for the 3rd time that day, you mother wasn't back from set and you didn't think she was going to be back for a while, so you roll your joint and start smoking it out of your bed room widow like you had done for the past year.  you hadn't been caught due to your mother working so much.

but today was different, your mother had finished early to surprise you, to have a mother daughter night as you had been quite closed off lately.

you opened your door slowly.
Elizabeth "hey baby, what is that smel-"
your mother quickly sees the joint, but your too high to care
Elizabeth "are you high?"
you "yes."
Elizabeth "put that out right now!!"
you "no. it helps"
Elizabeth "helps what that is killing you"
you "yeh, no shit"
Elizabeth "cut the attitude young lady!"
you "why what's the point"
Elizabeth "because i told you. now put that out. now!"
you "no this was expensive."
Elizabeth "we are going to talk about how you got the money for that later"
Elizabeth grabs the going and flushed it down the toilet
Elizabeth "no because i'm your mother and i love you"
you "yeh right.l
Elisabeth "talk to me baby what's going on?"
you "you just ruined the one thing that makes me feel like i wanna be alive!"
you slam your hand over your mouth
you "you know what no i'm not gonna be quiet, i'm so sad and so lonely that yeh i wanna die. i hurt myself, doesn't hurt, starve myself doesn't work, i'm so fucking depressed i don't wanna wake up, i don't wanna be here. i just want to die"
you mother stands there with tears in her eyes
you "i cried so much i can't physically cry anymore. i've  tried it all and no one has noticed! dad didn't care"
elizabeth "your dad loves you"
you "yeh tell me that again without lying."
you "i stood there and begged him not to go, after telling him about my self harm. he still fucking left, i was bleeding in his arms and he left me alone. don't tell me that he loves me, he doesn't."
you "my friends don't notice, you don't notice, my aunties don't notice, non of my family from set notices. i've tried to end my life 3 times in the last 2 years and no one notices!"
you "you all preach about mental health and suffering everywhere you go and you will all be there to support your fans. but here i am bleeding on the bathroom floor and you don't notice."
elizabeth "baby, i'm so sorry you went through all of that alone. i'm so sorry i didn't notice"
you "right now. can i smoke?"
elizabeth "you can finish whatever you have left then you stop"
you sigh.
elizabeth "can i sort your cuts?"
you "no not you. you will get upset."
elizabeth "alright who?"
you "can you call auntie scarlett?"
elizabeth "of course"

you and your mother have always been very very close, but you really didn't want her seeing your smell hsrm as you knew it would break her, you really didn't want her to have to deal with that, you wanted your auntie scarlett to because she was like your best friend, she would get upset but you knew she would be able to deal, because your not her daughter, or you though she would be able to deal with it..

after a while Scarlett arrives.
she has a bag full of stuff and she guide you to the bathroom, she helps you up on to the counter.
Scarlett "alright, where are they"
you look in the bag
you "i actually think i should handle this myself, i don't want you to see. it's embarrassing"
Scarlett "it's not embarrassing honey, your struggling i wanna help"
you "alright."
you pull off your hoodie, you sat there in your baggy bag tshirt with your baggy black joggers on.
you pull up the short sleeves
you dare not look at Scarlett in the face as you can hear her sniffling.
you feel a wet drop of her tears dropping in your exposed arm.
you quickly go to put your hoodie back on but she stops you
Scarlett "it's alright, your not upsetting me i promise"
you "tell that to your face"
Scarlett "still got the humour i see"
Scarlett wraps your the whole of your arms, from your shoulder to wrist.
Scarlett does to leave but she sees your fumbling with your fingers
Scarlett "is there more?"
you nod.
Scarlett "alright your okay sweetheart, you need a minute?"
you shake your head no
Scarlett "can you show me?"
you nod
you pull up your shirt and fold the waist of your pants.
showing the cuts in your stomach.
Scarlett quickly opens the bathroom door
Scarlett "HEY LIZZIE!"
Elizabeth "yeh scar?"
Scarlett "we need more bandages"
Elizabeth "i'll be right up with them"
Scarlett steps out the bathroom closing the door and collecting the bandages and going back to the bathroom to help you.
she wraps your stomach
Scarlett "please tell me that is the last"
you "it's not i'm really sorry"
Scarlett "come here."
she pulls you into a hug. you both cry.
she helps you wrap your thighs and then you cover all the bandages after making Scarlett promise not to tell lizzie how bad it actually was.

you all sat on the sofa, you in the middle.

lizzie "can we ask some questions?"
you nod
lizzie "alright how did you first get into weed?"
you "a few friends where doing it, they offered me some"
lizzie "how long have you been smoking?"
you "a year give or take"
lizzie "how do you-"
your phone rings,. it's your gang.
you "i have to take this, give me a minute"

phone call
you "i can't i'm busy"
you "no please don't"
you "can i do it tomorrow"
you "okay okay i'm sorry i'm coming."
you  "alright outside me house. see you in five"

you turn to your mother and scar

you "my friends need me, can i talk after? i'll be an hour no later"
lizzie "alright, scar is staying tonight anyway"
you nod and rush out the front door.

scarlett "we are following her right?"
lizzie "of course you really think i wouldn't after what she just told us"

they follow you, the watch a much older male, about 40s  hand you a few small packages.
they tale you in the car watching you trade the small packages for money, before you pull up to the house and both you and the older male get out.
you go into this run down house. lizzie tried to get out
scarlett "you have no idea what's in there, you could make it worse by running in there"
lizzie "but god knows what's happening in there"
scarlett "what ever it is, it ain't the first time and you could end up getting her killed. it look like she's been dragged into a gang of some sort. there's no way of dealing with this, without the police l
lizzie "what i'm supposed to sit here and wait until she comes out then call the police when we get home?"
scarlett "yes."

they wait for an hour, you come stumbling out of the house crying, adjusting your clothing.
they watch you wait until the door slammed closed before sobbing. they watch as you shake your head and hands, wipe your tears and begin walking homes
they wait until you get around the corner until the open the back door and you get in saying nothing.

you get back home. you sit in the sofa your knees curled up to your chest.
lizzie "what are you doing baby?"
you "it's not my fault"
scar "we aren't saying that. tell us what happened?"
you "some guy kept buying me gifts, giving me weed for free, then he said i owed him so he made me start selling for him, he kept buying me gift so i kept owing him. he manipulated me and now i'm stuck, there's nothing i can do to get out of it. i see drugs, get beaten, get raped. it's a vicious cycle, i'm so stuck."
lizzie "alright we are going to call the police, make them aware, then we can sort out the best option for you."
scarlett "before we call the police, have you ever hurt anyone or anything of that manner?"
you "no, i'm the bottom of the chain in the gang, i've never hurt or done anything to harm anyone"
scarlett "alright. i'll call, you cuddle up with your mother."
you instantly snuggle up to your mother, she cradled you like a baby and waited while scar spoke to the police

there will be a part two of this.

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