outburst⚠️🔵 (pt2) EO FP BE

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it's been a few months since your attempt, billie is now your gf and you spend every moment together.
you haven't spoke to any of the cast properly, you still had your role in the film, you spoke to people when you needed to.
you are currently snuggled up to billie in your trailer.
billie "mamas are you okay?"
you "yeh i'm okay, just tired"
billie "you got much left to film?"
you " i think i'm done for the day, but i have a meeting now. come with me please?"
billie "of course."
you get to the meeting room, and sit on billies knee.
she wraps her arms around your waist and sits her chin in your shoulder .
everyone eventually makes it to the meeting room.
director "alright after closed consideration we have a therapist on set and concealing session available, just in case anyone needs it"
you sigh and bounce you leg
director "problem?"
you "so it takes me to try to kill myself for this to be put in place, i'm done with this i really am you all pride
yourselves on being a spokes person for mental health yet when i was in hospital Florence and billie where the only ones who came to see if i was okay instead of releasing videos on instagram saying how devastated they where"
billie "mamas it's not worth it"
you "yeh your right they aren't worth it, come on we need to pack"
lizzie "and where the he'll do you think your going?"
you "non of your damn business. see you all at the premier"
you take billies hand and storm out.
you and billie spent the night packing ready for your 1 month holiday to the Maldives.
it was well deserved
time skip
you and billie are in the Maldives, you where wearing a green string bikini, billie was wearing a black and neon one piece.
billie "mamas your bikini matches my hair"
you "i know why do you think i bought it"
billie pulls the string to your top making it fall to the floor
you "billie!"
billie "sorry your hot"
billie pulls you in by your hips and kisses you on the lips.

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