i love her ❤️ F.P

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background info - you are florence pugh gf, you have twin daughters from a previous relationship. you catch florence answering your daughters questions.
daughters names (charlie and chloe) they're 4
y/n "hey babe.."
you walk to the sitting room and see her kneeling down in front of your daughters
charlie "are you gonna leave my mammy?"
flo "no darling why would i do that."
chloe "coz jordan said he loved mammy and that he wanted mammy forever. then he left mammy, he made her hurt inside and outside."
flo "what do you mean? how did she hurt?"
charlie "she would try to hide it be we saw."
flo "saw what?"
charlie "jordan would hurt mammy. he would hit her, make her bleed. then he would talk bad about her before he left."
chloe and charlie both tear up
chloe "are you gonna be mean to our mammy too thr. leave?"
flo "no my little doves, i love your mammy way to much to hurt her."
chloe "but that what jordan said"
flo "but thats not how you show someone love, you show them with kisses and cuddles, making them food or watching their favourite tv shows, taking them places not hurting them."
charlie "we don't want our mammy to hurt anymore. she's not been bleeding with you and mammy doesn't have bruises anymore, when she's with you. we just want our mammy to be happy."
flo "you don't have to worry little doves about your daddy hurting your mammy or me or you two. because me and your mammy will never let that happen ever again."
chloe "can we ask you something?"
flo "of course anything"
chloe "do you love our mammy?"
flo "i love your mammy very much"
charlie "how much?"
flo "i love her so much, she's my whole world, my universe. she's the best woman on this planet, she's brave and kind"
charlie "she's the best mammy ever!!!"
flo "i know she is"
chloe "do you think mammy is happy? like really happy? we think she is but your a grown up so you know better"
flo "your mammy is very happy. the happiest she has been in a long time, you know why?"
charlie "why?"
flo "because she has you two safe and happy, she has me to keep her happy. she has lots of people to show her what love really is"
you sniffle as the tears run down your face
chloe "mammy doesn't look to happy"
y/n "no baby girls they are happy tears."
they both jump up and run into your embrace
charlie "please don't be mad we told flo about jordan. we are sorry"
y/n "it's okay.. she needed to know and i didn't have the guts to tell her which means you two are braver than mammy ever is"
chloe snuggles into you
chloe "not possible. your so brave you protected us from jordan"
you kiss their heads
y/n "how about we all asleep in our bed tonight and watch one of flos movies?"
chloe "yeh!!!"
y/n "how about fighting with the family"
charlie "yesss!!!"
flo "alright girls why don't you and snuggle up while i talk to your mammy?"
the girls run off
y/n "im so sorry i didn't tell you. i didn't know how. i didn't wanna scare you off or make you mad. i already had two daughters i didn't know how much else you would put with with."
flo immediately stops your rambling by pulling you into a sweet and passionate kiss
flo "i knew coming into this that you didn't have a good past, the way you would flinch if i moved too fast or the way you could constantly second guess yourself, or the over baring need to protect the girls or how you wouldn't ever leave me alone in a room with them. and i understand i love you for you, i want to help heal you and i want to be your future the girls are my world i love them as if they where my own. and you are the most amazing woman i have ever met, so please don't be worried, please my love."
y/n "i love you."
flo "i love you to"
she kisses you forehead. you wrap your arms around her neck and just rest your head on her shoulder.
she taps your thighs motioning for your to jump, you do, she catches your thighs and wraps them around her waist.
she carries you upstairs and lays you on the bed before picking out yous pjs to match hers and the girls, once you all had your matching pjs on you cuddles up and enjoyed the film, sharing plenty of kisses and cuddles

One-Shots Marvel women/cast Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora