27. Inevitability is a curse

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Draco and I darted through the corridors trying our best to keep our composure. The day we had dreaded had snuck up on us way too suddenly.

"Shit," Draco cursed. "I don't think I can do this Matt,"

"Shut up," I scorned. "You won't have to."

Draco continued to stress as we quickly approached our dreaded destination. The air was heavy, filling our minds with trepidation. I calculated all possible outcomes but I knew none would end well.

As we approached the base of the Astronomy tower, the death eaters had joined us. Each one hungry for death. I pushed Draco up the stairs and he gave me a horrified glare. Nodding for him to move, I followed close behind. I instructed the death eaters to give us a minute to confront Dumbledore before they got involved and they reluctantly agreed, hanging back at a lower level of the tower.

We cautiously approached, hearing not just Dumbledore's voice, but another. "He's not alone," Draco whispered.

"Shit," I cursed. "Just keep moving." We emerged at the top of the tower, Draco being the first to come into view.

I remain hidden, searching the floor just below Dumbledore and Draco.

"Good evening Draco," Dumbledore says in a calm manner. "What brings you here on this fine spring evening?"

"Who else is here?" Draco asks abruptly. "I heard you talking."

"I often talk aloud to myself. I find it extraordinarily useful." From what I could see, Draco's face remained plastered with a scowl. I kept my wand out as I carefully roamed the cluttered floor of the astronomy tower. I was about to stop when I heard a quiet clatter of equipment. My head whipped around, wand pointed out in front of me. Harry's face emerged, his wand also stretched out in front of him.

"I'm not going to hurt you." I whispered. "Just, please stay hidden."  He gave me a look of surprise as he silently nodded. I backed away, my eyes returning to above me as Draco and Dumbledore continued to talk.

"You are no assassin Draco."

"How do you know what I am?" Draco returned angrily. "I've done things that would shock you." I scoffed to myself hearing the words Draco was speaking.

Dumbledore continued to list all the shocking things Draco had done this past year. Such as cursing Katie Bell and lacing a bottle of mead with poison. Things I almost forgot even happened. No one in the group knew of course, that Draco had been out wreaking havoc on some unfortunate classmates. But i'm sure they had their suspicions with Harry and his group of misfits running their loud mouths all over the place.

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