22. An Unwanted Gift

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Warnings: slight violence

———————————————————————Warnings: slight violence———————————————————————

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We let Daniela's words settle over us for a moment more. I didn't say a word in fear that I would say something wrong. Mattheo's mother is a horcrux. I had read about Horcuxes in the restricted section of the library one time but It was only to pass time, flicking through the pages of a random book. I looked at Daniela. Her tear stained face and her glass eyes. She was fragile yet she was made of steel. So strong; impossible to kill. An innocent girl who's life was flipped upside down by the man she used to love. She held mattheo's hands in hers. She held on tight because she didn't want to let go. She had lost him once and she wasn't going to let it happen again.

"We need to go mum," Mattheo spoke quietly.

She sighed with a smile. "I know." We all stood up from the table. "Please, come back" she whispered hopefully.

"Of course" Mattheo smiled giving his mother a kiss on the cheek.

I smiled at her too until she waved me over to give her a hug. I melted into her arms feeling the embrace of a broken woman. I didn't want to let go but I knew I had to. "Thank you for talking to us" I said.

"No problem darling. I've waited years to see this beautiful face again," she said cupping Mattheo's cheeks. He blushed and looked down.

With one more smile, we left. Daniela waved us away as we held each other's hands. Mattheo lifted the bangle out of his pocket with his wand letting it fall in mid-air ready for us both to catch. With a hurricane of colours, we were back in Tom's office.

"Are you alright?" I asked once I'd steadied myself.

Mattheo let out a shaky breath before answering, "Yes. Don't worry darling."

The slam of the front door sent a shudder quaking throughout the house. Mattheo's eyes snapped towards me with a concerned expression. His finger brushed his lips telling me to be quiet as his other hand grabbed mine and pulled me behind him.

"Mattheo!" a booming voice echoed through the walls.

"Shit," Mattheo whispered, "my father." He tightened his grip on his wand and held it out in an attacking stance.

"Mattheo, the bangle." I whispered.

"Shit," he cursed as his eyes darted across the room, from the bangle to the box it came from. "Go hide behind the desk." I obliged, kneeling down. My wand was in my hand, ready for defense. Mattheo carefully lifted the bangle back into the box and held it securely in his hand. "Look after this," he said as he slid the box across the desk and into my hands. "and wait here."

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