16. Uncomfortable Small Talk

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Slughorn's Christmas Party was tonight and to say I was excited would be a lie. I didn't have a date. No let me rephrase. I couldn't have the date I wanted and now I was left with little to no options. I spent my time contemplating who to ask at one of the back tables of the library. Every so often I would glance up from the pages of the book I was reading to scan the room for a potential suspect. One I could drag along to this pathetic little party to prove I wasn't alone. That's when my eyes landed on a familiar head of curly brown hair, his head too buried within the pages of whatever world he'd chosen to get lost in.

Before I could think about all the negatives of my impulsive idea, my feet had taken me over to him and my hands had dropped my book forcefully on the table. He looked up at the book I had just placed down, reading the title.

"Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë, you always were one for the classics," he smiled. "What can I do for you Delia?"

"Nott, I need you to be my date for Slughorn's party." I expressed.

"Has another pretty boy broken your heart?" He smirked.

"That's not really your business, is it?" My voice was itching with impatience.

"If all your looking for is some distraction sex then find someone else. I'm not doing that again," he sighed, resuming to his book.

"That's not what I'm looking for," I said. I looked away from him. "Can you just please be my date for tonight? Please?"

He stayed silent for a bit. Continuing to read his book, ignoring my pleads. I sat down opposite him, extending my hands to pull his book towards me gently, putting the bookmark in and closing the pages. He sighed and looked into my eyes frustratedly.

"Please?" My voice was hopeful and innocent and I did my best to make my eyes shine brightly.

He groaned, "urghh fine, I'll be your date."

"Yes! Thank you thank you thank you!" I exclaimed getting up from my seat, moving around to his side of the table and engulfing him in a hug. "You won't regret it! I promise."

He laughed hugging me back, "yeah yeah." He patted my back signaling for me to release him. "I'll meet you in the common room at 8pm, sound alright?"

"Sounds perfect," my smile was so wide that my jaw was beginning to ache, "Thanks Nott,"

"Are we really still on last names?" he rolled his eyes.

"Right yeah, sorry. Thanks Theodore." I gave him a small wave before picking up my book and heading back to my dorm. The party wouldn't start for at least 2 hours but I thought it be best to start getting ready soon. Venus was rummaging around her wardrobe for an appropriate dress to wear for this evening when I knocked on her door.

𝐈 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐈 𝐃𝐨Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora