"But my body is stronger then regular quirkless or quirk users, I have a part of my quirk enhancing my body permanently."

"Even so... Try to stand."

She rose a brow and did so, swing her legs over and, without the use of her arms, scooted of the bed.

"Ooof!" Was all she let out when her legs were unable to hold her body up and her arm collapsed with no help to stop her fall.

"Your body is more durable but everything has its limits, this is yours, your body can't keep up with your will to go on."

She stared at her hands with a wavy frown from down on the ground, fingers trembling without her trying to move them.

"This has never happened before."

"You were never put under so much strain as a hero killer, your body is beyond fatigued and just shut down to recover as you are not leaving it time to do so otherwise."

"Then what am I supposed to do to get better?"

"let your body rest! I will write you a doctor's note and you'll stay out of class until the day of the test you need to take."

"Bu--" "No buts! What would happen to you if you pushed this wreck even more, what will give out next? Your nerves? Your heart? Your lungs? Nothing can go on without a break so take this forced break, no fighting."

She rolled on her back and she gotta admit it was hard, her limbs not responding as they should.

"Your rest away from anything is of two week if you truly do it, other then that it might be longer, you didn't even let that tendon you snapped in your arm heal before bouncing on it."

The door opened.

Both the younger and old women looked towards it.

It was quite a confused Momo standing there, watching the unusual scene: An older woman with a scolding finger in the air probably talking to the copper oxide colored haired girl that was splayed out like a starfish, with her longer hair going everywhere, on the ground as if she had been laying there for days.

"I came to..." She didn't know what to do, watching the weird scene or just talk as if nothing was happening.

"Oh do come in dear, your friend is awake as you see, please be of help as little ol' me can't help her up." Recovery Girl said.

"Right!" She hurried in, helping the other unhappy looking girl on the bed.

"Well I'll leave you two youngsters, I have other things to do."

".... So what was that?"

"I was doing areal yoga.... OF COURSE I FELL!!!" She threw her arms up but dropped them, her muscles immediately protesting her actions. "Anyhow, why are you here? I didn't know I was that irresistible."

"You wish." Momo laughed, hoping it came out convincing. "I did come for a reason."

"Do tell." She pulled the longer part of her hair over her shoulder, combing her fingers through the strands.

"Well a lot happened this afternoon, the dates of the midterm test was given out, I have a big study party planned and Bakugou got mad at Midoriya again."

"A lot happened huh?"

"Yeah and.... I wanted to check up on you..."

"How sweet~." She grinned. "Hey, wouldn't you help me study too? I don't wanna be stuck in remedial in class if I forget something, I learn fast but I don't know HOW to learn, I usually pick up things here I there from Izu."

"Sure! We can start later today!" Momo said, her excited-ness making Kuroka grin.

"I'll have Mirko text you my address as I don't have a phone nor can I really walk all the way to yours, just scribble down your phone number somewhere."

"As in the fifth pro hero and number one female pro?"

"That bitch, she was the one to called me Carrot, I think you heard that, I am stuck living with her for surveillance."

"Alright!" She wrote her number and handed it to the girl who took it and folded it before her fingers gave up and slid the paper note between the bandages to hold it as she didn't have pockets.

"Well see you later, around six?"

"Sure! I gotta go, the others are waiting for their own study party, better get that done so I can come right?" She stood, walking to leave.

"Alright it's a date."

"A what?!" Momo whipped around.

"I said nothing~." Kuroka grinned with fake innocence, knowing that would get a reaction tho the excessive redness to Momo's face was a plus on so many levels.

"But I..."

"See you later."

"I.... Euh yes, later!"

The black haired girl slammed the door behind herself as she left making Kuroka smile normal with a soft sigh.


"Hey Kuro who do you like from the class?"

"Why ask such questions Izu? I think everyone can become a true hero, ever Pomeranian if he calms down or canalizes his urges to destroy the world."

"Nah I mean as in love."

"Why? Do YOU love someone?"

She sweatdropped next as he went off on such a ramble even she couldn't catch what he was saying as his face was slowly turning red, only catching a few names hear and there, those names being Shoto, Ochaco, Tsuyu and even Katsuki, she was sure he mentioned more names but those were what she could catch. (Leaving it up to readers if I should start shipping characters. :) So?)

"Okaaaay I get it Izu!" She covered his mouth. "Yes, well no, not exactly, there's like two that are my type but I am not telling you, figure it out with your scary good brain of yours."


She chuckled at the memories from the first day of internships, right before the class split up to head their own way.

"Yep, totally my type." She chuckled to herself.

A Heroic VillainWhere stories live. Discover now