She looked back at the top half of Odion. Things were spiraling out of control too quickly and she had no idea what was going on or how she was supposed to deal with any of it. She wanted to just go back to her apartment and lay down and take a nap. But she couldn't do that, could she?

She took a deep breath. She wasn't a hero, she wasn't fated for greatness like the others here. She was just a nerd that liked playing card games and watching animes. Maybe she really didn't belong here. But she was here and she had cards that were much stronger than what most people had in this time. Who else was going to fight?

With that thought, she got up on her Red-Eyes Slash Dragon. She was about to take off towards the tower when a single thought sprouted in her mind.

She looked at Odion's body once again and through the chaos she hadn't realized before, but she was sure now that the pressing malignant presence was still there.

She wondered.

"Marik?" she called out rather loudly. "Are you out here?"

Luna waited for a moment, she was sure Marik would have showed up to check on his trusty servant, Odion, since Seto's attack had been so sudden and unexpected. After all, Odion was still a beloved servant even if Marik was possessed by Yami Marik, right? Or was she wrong?

"Quite impressive for one so young to be able to sense my presence." Marik's real voice came from an alley as he stepped out of the shadows. "But even more astounding that you can withstand my Millenium Rod's mind control. Tell me, who are you?"


She had completely forgotten about his mind control powers. Things could have gone very differently if it had worked. But she couldn't seem taken by surprise.

"My name is Luna, but you knew that already from when I dueled against Strings."

"Do not mock me." Marik sounded much calmer than she had expected. "You are obviously not just a common duelist. And yet, I have never heard of you until a few days back. Why is that?"

"I guess I just really like my privacy, my guy." Luna deflected. "But more importantly, what do you expect to gain by siding with Noah Kaiba?"

"Who?" Marik asked, his expression unreadable.

"The giant face that appeared in the sky and told everyone they are screwed?" Luna asked sarcastically, wondering if Marik was toying with her. "Are you honestly going to tell me this was just a coincidence that he appeared right after your Ra destroyed downtown Domino?"

"You think this was planned? You think I knew Seto Kaiba was going to summon his Obelisk or that he was going to murder Odion?" Marik asked, more scornfully than angry. "How does a green haired boy taking the spotlight help me in any way?"

"I don't know! I don't know how you, villains, think!" Luna retorted back before coming to a sudden realization. "But then this means you are just as clueless as we are!"

"Don't compare me to the likes of you." Marik scoffed. "I tricked one of you into summoning your god card to make my fake Ra into a real one. Even, if I had expected it to be Slifer, I am in a whole different level than you!"

"But why are monsters coming to life? You don't know, do you?" She wondered if Marik really could be just a random victim like the rest them.

"It's because these god cards have unimaginable power! What do you think I want these cards for?" He seemed frustrated, making her wonder if he thought she didn't understand.

"No, they have amazing power, but they aren't supposed to bring any card to life." She corrected him. "This has never happened before, it's something else."

My Time in Battle City [Tales of Luna, Book 1]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang