Spralbert: Pronouns?

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"Are you okay, Sean?" Race asked as he picked up the four plates. "You've been real quiet today."

Elmer looks over at Sean from his place on the counter. "You barely even greeted us when you cane home. You sound real sad."

Albert squeezes Sean's shoulder. Albert was the only one who knew what his boyfriend was going through. "I think you should just tell them. It's not like you did something illegal."

Race finishes washing the dishes and dries his hands, escorting Elmer to the kitchen table. "What's wrong, Sweet boy?" Race asks.

Sean clears his throat. "I want to try using they/he pronouns," he looks at his hands and bites his lip.

Elmer sits next to him. "Why didn't you tell us? Just because you want to try new pronouns doesn't mean we love you any less."

Race smiles. "Do you want us to call you anything different?"

"Spot. It's a longtime nickname. My mom called me if."

Race's smile grows. "Oh my God that's adorable. Of course we can call you that, Spot," he winks and sits in his partner's lap. "I'm glad you told us."

"I am too," Spot agrees, taking Race's hand. "Now, wanna go get ice cream and talk shit on people?"

Albert stands up and grabs his wallet. "I thought you'd never ask. But it's my turn to pay."

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