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The Promise.

The Promise

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What's most important in a friendship? 

Tolerance and loyalty.

J.K. Rowling

Timothy and Eva broke the hug and looked at each other, small smiles on their faces. No words were spoken anymore, it would take time before everything would be back to normal, they both knew that, but they were happy to have each other again.

The two walked to Arithmancy class together, the four other boys looked surprised when they saw the two walk-in together, small smiles on their lips. "Is she gone mad?" Peter whispered to Remus, he looked at him, "I honestly don't know." 

"Shut up they are coming." Sirius hissed. "Hey," Timothy said excitedly while smiling, he took an open seat next to Peter, and Eva looked around to see where to sit. "The spot next to me is still free if you want," James said, she looked at him and sighed.

She took the seat and tried to ignore his stares. The professor started the lesson and Eva tried to take her notes, a little slip from James' side of the table got slid to hers. She looked at him, with a "what is this?" look.

"Open it." He mouthed, and Eva reluctantly did so. In awful handwriting, it said, "I'm sorry." She looked up at him and rolled her eyes. She grabbed her pen and wrote "Your fine." in perfect handwriting back.

James looked at her not believing her words, she didn't mean it, he knew it. Eva just wanted to try her best for Timothy. "You sure?" He whispered in her ear. She groaned in annoyance, "Yes, now leave me alone." He sighed in defeat and looked at Remus with pleading eyes, he shrugged and continued writing his notes.

"Did you start studying already?" Timothy asked Eva when they walked to the next class. She shook her head. She was embarrassed that Tim had seen her so vulnerable.

It was as if he was a mind reader, "You know, I don't mind you being sad, well I do, but I mean, like I don't mind you showing your emotions." He tried to reason. 

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