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Holidays 1970s

Holidays 1970s

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In this dark

my heartbeat

makes me realize

I am left alone...

"What are you going to be?" Tim asked Eva the night before Halloween, "Nothing." Eva said laying on the couch, her feet on Tim's lap. "Nothing?" She looked at him, "Yea I don't do Halloween." His mouth fell open.

"What'd you mean you don't Halloween?!" She shrugged, "I just don't see the fun of it." "Wait you've never gone trick or treating?" She shook her head "no"

"Oh My God! Hannah do you hear this shit?!" Hannah looked up from the chessboard. "Ignore him, Evangeline," "I- what- you-" Tim stammered. 

"Hannah this is not okay, Eva you need to be dressed as someone." Eva looked at him, "No, my father will kill me." "Don't be so dramatic." Eva rolled her eyes, "I'm not." "But still, you need to have some Halloween spirit."






"Shit it didn't work, Hannah I need your help!" Hannah rolled her eyes, "Leave Eva alone." "Yeah leave me alone." Eva teased, picking up her book again and started reading.

"Is your father really going to be mad?" Tim asked later that night. She nodded, "Okay then, but when we are of age we need to go out to a Halloween party." Eva chuckled, "Sure."

Halloween dinner came around and a lot of people were dressed as humorous things. "Slytherin has the Halloween spirit," Kasey said while looking at the Slytherin table, Eva looked, almost everyone was wearing just their dress robes and had looks of disgust on their faces.

"Who are you dressed as, Malfoy?" Some random second year sneered at Eva, "No one, grow up." She sneered back, "Told you a complete nutter, the hat made the wrong choice, disgraced the Hufflepuff house." He continued to his friends.

Eva's leg began to bounce and she tried to stay calm, "Hey ignore them." Tim said softly. "I'm trying." She said through gritted teeth. Don't lash out, don't give father a reason to be mad, be the perfect daughter.

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