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Happy Birthday Evangeline.



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Eva's throat was hoarse from all the screaming she had done the night prior, everyone was sitting at the dinner table eating breakfast. Eva's ribs hurt, one did indeed broke, and Dobby tried to fix it.

"I hope you had a nice stay," Abraxas said with a smile. Sirius and Regulus were tense looking at their plates, not daring to move. Eva was slowly eating her sausage links, she felt content eating them, it helped her distract from everything that was going on with her father.

"Evangeline, it's your birthday soon." Orion said, "Yes sir." He smirked, "Want Sirius and Regulus to come over?" She looked at her father, he raised a brow at her. "Uhm, if they want to, they can come, they don't have to." Orion smirked, "Of course, they want to, don't you boys?" "Yes, father."

Eva looked at Sirius, this wasn't the boy she saw at school, his cool and confident persona was gone, he looked scared. Eva felt bad for him, to get slurred into her mess, just because her father needs someone to blame.

"Thank you for your stay." Her father said to the Black family and soon after they left. "Lucius go up to your room, you," He pointed at Eva, "My office." Eva without a word walked to her father's office.

Eva walked inside and sighed, her ribs were aching and she couldn't handle another beating.

"How are you feeling?" Abraxas asked when he closed and locked the door. "Fine." She muttered, her eyes were tight shut, she was scared for her death. She thought it was weird she still was alive.

"Do you miss her?" He asked her, Eva nodded. "You don't have the right to." He sneered, the hairs on her neck were standing up straight. "You aren't even allowed to be sad." He pushed her to the side, she was so weak she fell to the floor.

"It's your fault she died," He grabbed her hair and pulled her back up. "You are weak." He spat in her face. She shuddered her eyes closed shut.

She was thinking about her friends, she knew her father was seeing in her mind, but she didn't care, her friends were the only reason she was still able to survive. 

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