P0: A Experiment gone wrong.

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NCT: June 23rd 2064 AD

"John you're late again." A girl named Zhao Li says to John Oliver. John was usually a late person to his work but he managed. Zhao was someone who only worked for the money and fun of it. They were both working at the Kosmo branch of laboratories in New Canteria, Many people from such facilities asked what Kosmo means since other branches do have meanings but they never get any answers. Only the words of "its classified" would be said to them in response.

"Get to your position already." Zhao says to John. 

"Alright." John says. John goes down the hallway and turns to the research center. He opens the door to a sight of a few researchers, an array of controls and a weird object shaped like a portal. John then sees a researcher with a record of past incidents involving inter dimensional technology. John gulps and then goes to a researcher.

"What is going on here?" John says. The researcher turns around and faces John. 

"Well we just discovered this in northern Japan. The Japanese handed this to us saying it was cursed by some legend but i doubt it." The researcher says to John. John inquires about the legend.

"Well it says that in 1921 that this portal once opened up to a new world. The Japanese never paid it any mind since it was in the north but there were some visitors who died from hypothermia though." The researcher says to John. John worries about the opening of the portal to unknown visitors but doesn't worry too much. 

After a hour.

"Alright. We have properly arranged the defenses in case any other worldly beings try to invade our world. There are machine gun nests and armored troops both inside and outside of this room." John says to the facility manager. The facility manager is satisfied with the result of the fortification of the facility and leaves. Just as the manager leaves a division of armored troops enters the room. The group spreads out to face the portal.

"So how does this portal even work in the first place?" John says. Zhao and John were in a position above the armored divisions and John was observing the portal for any discrepancies in the control room. 

"Well using quantum technology this portal can start a distortion in the universe by using the same laws of physics wormholes do." Zhao says to John. Meanwhile on the ground a scouter rover is being brought in the chamber. 

"Why the hell are they trying to send a scouter in there?" John says. Zhao doesn't know also due to them not being informed about this. The intercom suddenly turns on after a small monologue.

"Control room. Open the portal, I repeat open the portal." The intercom says. John goes to the portal opening switches and activates stage one. The middle of the portal starts to show a spinning set of cloud like structures. John activates stage two. The portal sets off a light explosion of pure energy blowing some papers away. John then looks at stage three and sees the lever for it and a destruct button that would input a extreme amount of energy to stop the wormhole forming process. John activates stage three and the portal starts glowing blue. 

Suddenly a large amount of energy ejects from the portal and pushes the machine gun in its nest off as well as some papers too. The armored soldiers prepare for another blast in case the next one breaks glass. The intercom soon is heard in the control room.

"Control. Please destroy the wormhole now." John stands there and looks at the destruct button but doesn't press it. Zhao notices this and takes action.

"JOHN TURN OFF THE PORTAL!" Zhao says. John only stares at the beauty of the portal as it activates. The portal ejects a large amount of energy for a final time and pushes back a group as well as breaking the glass in the control room just enough that it doesn't collapse upon itself entirely. John sees slightly through the broken glass that the portal has finally opened. John kicks the glass and breaks it entirely. John sees the rover and a scouter squadron approach the portal.

"You are reckless as hell." Zhao says. John only responds with a grin on his face. Meanwhile the other side experiences the same thing. 

Ascotian Perspective 

"So the demihuman resistance has decided to get the portal from our ancient legends?" A member of the Ashait guard says clearly dissatisfied because of the appearance of another issue that has to be dealt with. 

"Yes apparently." Another member of the guard says. Meanwhile on Luspiera hill an ADIM member is scouting for any intruders that plan on taking the portal back. The ADIM member gives the all clear but sees the portal slightly opening. Quickly the ADIM member notifies the others of the portal.

The other members of ADIM arrive immediately and sees the portal in its second stage. A member quickly gets warriors to protect the others. The third stage activates and blows the warriors away a small bit. The warriors prepare to protect each other from a possibly hostile enemy. Tension is high, Sweat is going down some of the warriors faces, Anxiety fills the air and most of all fear. As the last visit was from a powerful enemy. The warriors get in a scrambled formation and prepare for a horrible enemy. But then...


A small mechanized object that had a relatively absurd amount of features approached. Some of the warriors sighed in relief as there wasn't a large threat. But some were very doubtful about this "creature". It was a rover that determined if the land beyond the portal was safe. The rover took a few pictures of its surroundings and rolled further. Just then a warrior stepped in front of the rover and tried to lift it up. But it was very heavy due to the equipment on it. So the other warriors decided to drag it to the armory.

"So what is this object that you bring to me?" The ADIM leader says.

"Sir. This object was found after the portal opened. We don't know what its purpose is but it could help us." A warrior says. The ADIM leader brings a magic technician into the room.

"Sir did you call me?" The technician says.

"Yes we would like you to examine a unusual find." The ADIM leader says. He points to the rover. The technician spends no time trying to examine the rover which in response takes a picture of the technician. The technician is amazed at the item as it contains a large amount of magic due to a millennia of magic stacked up on the planet earth with barely any usage. 

"We need to report this to our main resistance movement." The technician suggests. The ADIM leader is quickly against this idea due to the fact that it might be a item of sabotage.

"Where is this even from anyway?" The leader says. The technician sees a small tag on the side and tells the leader.

"This is from a place called Cyedah. What a weird name." The technician says. The leader asks for a look and sees the CIDA logo on top. The leader immediately detects a discrepancy as there is also a small flag on the corner of the rover that doesn't match any flags in Ascotia. Near the flag there is a tag that says "New Canteria". The leader address this and the technician responds with a slight look of surprise. The leader makes a slight decision and decides.

"We will be bringing this object to the main resistance movement." The leader says. And with that the fort of Luspiera hill is abandoned. A few days later a CIDA task force named NW-1 will arrive to that exact spot.

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