C2 P20: The Industrial Revolution, Solved Disappearances and Below the Surface

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Note: Sorry for the horrid upload schedule. I had been working with a friend to create their story.

Ascotian International Calendar: November 1st 1688  NCT: December 4th 2064

The scene goes into a research facility in the Kudroenian Empire. They have been researching a nuclear bomb that a exploration team in Zascil found after a paid exploration. The Kudroenian government originally wanted to find normal weapons that could give them a small boost over the world stage against other major powers. But after the revolutionary find the Kudroenian government decided to make the discovery classified and researched it in secret. 

"Oi! Got anything mate?" A man yells to one of the key researchers. The man who yelled was part of the exploration team that first discovered the bomb. He was brought to the facility by the  Kudroenian military under the pretenses of drug possession. The man was actually selected to be part of the research team. Also his name is Wright.

"Well we discovered that this bomb uses a double fuse to explode, It makes a bomb explode to fuse a more powerful bomb to explode. It also uses a material called Uranium-235 which is separate from a relative called Uranium-238. And judging by the rust on the cast it cant detonate as the Uranium has decayed to half its power. Half of it is now turned to more stable elements like Lead or Iron." The head researcher says while looking at the insides of the bomb. Wright looks on both of his sides and looks at the head researcher.

"I don't know what you are saying or who told you that, Zascilians or those Canterian skitstovels but we gotta hurry up. The government is demanding we hurry with the project or we get defunded and sent to prison." Wright says in a hurry. 

"Im on it. Get some of the researchers to stop focusing on energy research and let them focus all on this damm warhead. At this point theres no going back." The head researcher says to Wright. Wright walks to a telecom room and communicates with the capitals congress of Kudroenia to get approval. Wright walks back into the research facility and watches, He then remembers an idea he tried.

"Hey head researcher. I have an idea. While i was boiling water in a kettle I found out steam had several times more force than water or something like that. So i tried spinning a wheel with it and it worked." Wright says. The head researcher asks to see how and Wright brings out a large but working contraption. It consists of a steel pump, a boiler and a wheel. A table is cleared and Wright puts a fire under the boiler after he puts water in the boiler. After a while the boiler emits steam that pulls the pump that rotates the wheel. 

"You're a genius! You are gonna revolutionize the world by this invention! This nuclear weapons project is going to be shortened from a century to just three months. Well done." The head researcher says. Wright puts out the fire and smiles in pridefulness. 

Wright walks out of the facility unknowingly about the fact that he and his research team was spied on by Lapalicans that will relay information to the New Canterian government.

Fort Thorn, Coast of Lapalica

The scene switches to a military base near a continental shelf and a volcano. After the exhibition the Ruby Division was stationed in this base so that the murder of a major figure of the pro slavery movements in the Kudroenian Empire wouldn't be pinned on them, but this move failed. A abolitionist negotiator from the Eastern Kudroenian Empire was then sent to negotiate a alliance with the New Canterians.

"We are finally back in New Canterian territory, or at least controlled territory." Amara says in relief. Amara and Vinnie were trying to run from the Kudroenians after they were caught with murder. 

"So what about this negotiator we have on our hands now?" Vinnie says. He points at the negotiator. The negotiator has a top hat, beard, business suit and a awfully similar resemblance to Abraham Lincoln.

"Well we have to let him in to negotiate a alliance with the abolitionists. The higher ups decided to approve a alliance." Amara says. The three walk to the military base and start a chat.

"So negotiator. What is your name?" Vinnie asks. The negotiator looks at Vinnie and responds.

"I am Abraham Lincoln." The negotiator says. Vinnie looks back in surprise but dismisses his thought that a former president would be in this world after he disappeared in 1865.

"The former president? No way. You disappeared off to Narnia, Halkeginia, wherever else around two centuries ago, MacArthur style." Vinnie says. He recalls that Abraham Lincoln suddenly disappeared while going to a play in a bright blue light amongst his wife in a history book. (this is alternate history, instead of Abraham Lincoln getting assassinated he got transferred to another world. Same with commander Douglas MacArthur amongst others.)

"I am the former president. I was summoned here by the Kudroenian Empire along with my wife while we celebrated the Confederacy's death in 1865. Also, MacArthur style?" Abraham says to Vinnie.

"Yea. MacArthur also was a American who disappeared. When he suggested to nuke Korea he disappeared in a blue light-show. Actually if you are the real Abraham Lincoln then what was the last thing you said before you disappeared?" Vinnie asks. He knows that nobody from Ascotian decent knew what his last words were because they were never told in their history curriculum yet so this would settle the dispute.

"It was 'She wouldn't think anything of it' was it?" Abraham says. Vinnie was speechless because this meant that other generals and leaders have possibly been sent here as well. After Vinnie regains his speech he introduces himself.

"Well hello former president. Im Vinnie. The girl over there is Amara and we will be your escort." Vinnie says to Abraham. The three get to the gates of the base and enters. They walk to a table to negotiate a alliance but Vinnie decides to tell him what has happened from 1865 to 2063 after the negotiations.

"Say Abraham Lincoln. Do you want to know what has happened until now?" Vinnie asks. Abraham nods and lets Vinnie bring out a large history book. Vinnie flips the pages until the end of 1865.

"Lets see. In 1867 Alaska was purchased from Russia. After that in 1890 New Canteria armed insurrectionists that made Alaska independent." Vinnie says. Abraham listened on.

"In 1901 the Panama canal was made after it seceded from Columbia and the Airplane was invented. In 1904 disappearances of major political figures were recorded by the CIDASF. After that in 1914-1918 a world war and a influenza epidemic starts and ends. In 1929-1946 the Great Depression and another world war starts and sets a cold war. One of the leaders of this war, Joseph Stalin disappeared-" Vinnie says before getting interrupted by a soldier.

"Excuse me. Im sorry to interrupt but most of the soldiers are reporting rumbling noises under our camp. It seems to be sounding like a drilling machine and it is halting the activities of our ground troops." The soldier says to Vinnie. After the soldier reports Vinnie hears a noise that sounds like a drill coming up to the surface. Vinnie closes his history book and goes to investigate.

Vinnie turns the corner and sees a big metal drill like structure with every guard holding a weapon against the structure. A nearby CIDASF biohazard unit is already placing down sampling tools and wearing hazmat gear. A person steps out with a spear and looks left and right. 

"I am from Torentia. We come in peace as we have been underground for 5,000 years." The person says. The Guards lower down their rifles in confusion as they were never told about the underground society of Torentia. 

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