P10: Secrecy by CIDASF, The Revelation and the Military Parade.

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Gregorian Calendar: August 30 2034

The van departs with the representatives and the other witnesses to a luxurious hotel made for the higher class. Ivan is lighting a cigarette while the driver keeps driving. Ivan asks about the myths of Ascotia.

"So were there any myths in your world?" Ivan says.

"What do you mean?" Nisu says. Ivan puts down the cigarette and looks at the rearview mirror.

"You know, Anything like Atlantis or Mu or Lemuria." Ivan says. Nisu looks at Nori and looks back at Ivan. Nisu remembers some history about her world but not mythos. Nori does though.

"That last one. Lemuria. It existed in our world but became the nation of Zacil. It used to be a great empire until it fell." Nori says to Ivan. Ivan chuckles at the idea of Lemuria actually existing in the first place but it was transferred to Ascotia.

"You do know something kid. Or should I say old man. How did they even approve your entry?" Ivan says. Nori thinks about how he snuck past the portal guards to see his sister but he doesn't want to admit that so he quickly makes up a false story.

"They approved my entry because they wanted more witnesses." Nori says. This was the same story he used on the council guards that worked. But his plan wouldn't work forever. Ivan doesn't give a thought to Nori's story and continues his discussion. Ivan puts his cigarette in a ashtray after he is done smoking it.

"Say. I checked one of the maps that you had for sale and it had this weird blank spot next to Zacil. Why is that?" Ivan says. Nori remembers he read an archive about Lemuria explaining that the area was called the forbidden zone due to the dangers of Lemurian technology blowing up accidentally at the time.

"Oh well it was called the forbidden zone." Nori says.

"Why is that?" Ivan says.

"Well it had technology that, When you used it in a supposedly wrong matter it would blow up." Nori says. Ivan sighs in relief that it wasn't any corrupted area or any ominous place.

"Well what technology did it have that caused this status?" Ivan says.

"I observed your technology so that I could come up with answers but it consists of trucks, tanks, aircraft, trains, missiles and nuclear weapons." Nori says. Ivan then pauses when Nori said "nuclear bombs" Ivan realizes that if Lemuria still existed it would have the capacity to damage New Canteria or the earth. Ivan takes note of this discreetly. A few minutes after the conversation the group arrives at the hotel. 

"Alright we are at the hotel. Here's two beanies to hide your ears because we are in a area where people don't take too kindly to demihumans." Ivan says. Ivan hands the two beanies and they wear them.

"Say. Why are demihumans not treated well in this area?" Nori says to Ivan. 

"Well in 2023-" Ivan says before getting interrupted by Nisu.

"Wait, You live in the 21st century? We only lived in the 17th." Nisu says. Ivan looks at Nisu then responds.

"Well yes, We live by a mix of the Gregorian calendar and Canterian Calendar. We use the months and days in the Gregorian calendar while we use the actual time of the Canterian Calendar, making a calendar known as the NCT. But the Gregorian calculates the time to be 1986 somehow. Your civilization is comparable to the 17th century." Ivan says. 

"...Well alright. Continue." Nisu says.

"Well in 2025 there was a major incident where a terrorist organization consisting of demihumans tried to bomb this hotel." Ivan says. Nisu sighs because of the fact that her own species would do something like terrorism.

"God what is this storyline. Go to a therapist writer, Its been 2 weeks!" Ivan mutters without knowing that he is literally breaking the 4th wall. Nisu looks at Ivan while he mutters those words, At the same time they enter the hotel.

"Writer?" Nisu says.

"Oh nothing." Ivan says. Ivan goes to the counter to register a room for Nisu and Nori. The staff give a room to the two after a identification check, Ivan gets the key to their rooms and guides them to the elevator.

"Floor 91." Ivan says. Nisu and Nori then feel a force that pushes them up.

"What is this?" Nori says silently. Ivan seems to be unaffected by this due to the fact that the gravity in Ascotia is lighter than earths. Ivan sees Nori confused by the elevator but decides that he shouldn't interfere. After all curiosity kills the cat. Ivan writes this down in his notepad instead for reports. 

"Aright we're here. Get your bags." Ivan says. Ivan brings the two to their rooms and gets Jack Wilson to help out with the tour. Ivan goes back down to the first floor and exits out the hotel.

"Idiots." Ivan says. He goes to an alleyway and sees a CIDASF agent. 

"Never thought I would be reporting info for the New Canterian special forces and secret service." Ivan says to the agent. 

"Yea alright. There's a base being built in the Kudroenian Empire near the URA border that is impenetrable by 19th century standards. Its name is the Diamond Tower and the population calls it unbreakable." The CIDASF agent says. Ivan gets handed some pictures from UAVs that show the diamond tower. 

"Jeez five centuries ago we would have almost no chance." Ivan says. 

"Well yes. Anyways shouldn't you get to those demihumans before they get suspicious?" The CIDASF agent says. 

"Oh yea its probably time I get back." Ivan says. The CIDASF agent gives a short salute before Ivan leaves. 

After the visit.

"Alright. There is a scheduled military parade in 23rd Avenue to 59th Boulevard. If we try to not get ourselves in any-." Ivan says before he gets interrupted. 

"Could we go?" Nori says. Ivan pauses and looks at Nisu.

"Hey. He's the type of person to think of something and never give up on it." Nisu says. Ivan sighs and lets Nori go to the military parade with Nisu.

"Oh yea don't forget Jack. Last time he got lost in Kazakhstan." Ivan says to Nisu. Nisu chuckles a bit despite not knowing what Kazakhstan is. The four of them register out and head to the military parade. 

30th Street

"These Seyedah are amazing at combat don't you agree? I wonder how they parade." Nori says to Nisu.

"Its CIDA you idiot." Nisu says. Two fighters fly over the group after Nisu states the obvious. Nisu and Nori gets down after the thunderous boom of the fighters flying past. Ivan and Jack simply just look up to the fighters like it happens every day.

"Come on lets go." Ivan says to Nisu and Nori who are cowering from the booms from the fighters. Ivan brings Nisu, Nori and Jack to the road where the military parade will be held. On the road there are several tanks and soldiers on the road. But the biggest stunt that CIDA could manage are dummy missiles on missile carriers. At least that's what Ivan thought. Then a emptied out missile is seen launching across the street and into a pre-planed target. This gives Ivan a reestablished sense of PTSD of his air force years. Ivan had launched those same missiles at Berlin causing thousands of civilians to die. Ivan starts shedding tears for those innocent. Jack notices this and takes action.

"Aright lets head back." Jack says.

April fools segment

"You have killed my comrades and my family... What can you say for yourself?" A Fuskiegroian soldier says dying on the ground. Jack aims his rifle at the dying soldier. 

"Deez nuts." Jack says to the soldier before firing a shot that kills him once and for all.

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