Hell on earth

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Cassidy's POV
I woke up warm, and feeling well rested. Odd. Cracking my eye open I saw it was dark, whether it was day or night I couldn't tell. Hurriedly I climbed from the bed and searched silently for my clothes. I noted I was in a boys bedroom, which was clean and looked pretty nice.

I found my clothes neatly folded on a chair and I hurriedly changed and zoomed from the room and down the stairs. The faces were a blue as well the doors I passed. Stopping in my tracks I realized it was night, and I let out a breath thank god. Looking around it seemed to be I was in a living room which was a mess.


Crinkling my nose I made my way to the door and threw it open, the cold air was like a slap to the face. Clutching my jacket tighter around myself I shut the door softly and sped walked into the woods where I let my wings out.

I shot into the sky, flying letting myself think as I did. As I flew father away from were I woke up, I here a heart breaking howl. My heart dropped to my stomach and I flew faster towards home.

Other howls joined the last each one more painful then the last. Flying downwards my feet touched the ground and I walked to my house. The door was unlocked, thank god and I flipped one the lights.

Angel came running and rubbed against my legs. I picked her up and cuddled her to my chest "I'm sorry baby" I cooed and fed her warm milk. I changed into a VS night set and picked her back up and carried her to bed. Snuggling under the warm covers she curled into my stomach and I petted her head.

I dozed off.

Xavier's POV
I had to deal with Alpha duties, and I left Cassie alone in my room. It was only one in the morning, I hadn't had much sleep. Killian linked me telling a rouge had been captured and is in the holding cells.

Making my way tiredly down to the cells I stumbled up to him. "This better be good" I growled and turned my attention to the rouge. He smirked as the blood dribbled down his mouth.

"Grumpy Alpha" he teased "shut up" I snapped "tell me why your here" I growled and he smirked again. "I'm here for your little mate" he chuckled, I stalked towards the cage and ripped the bars off the hinges. The rouge gulped knowing it was the end. "Who wants her and why?" I growled holding him by the throat.

"The Creator" he gaped out and I snapped his neck. Throwing his body on the ground I stormed from the cells leaving Killian to clean up and to my bedroom. I threw the door open and my eyes widened, the bed was empty. She was gone. I ran outside and threw the door open and let out a long sad howl.

Boarder patrol joined in as I tore off into the woods trying to reach her scent. But it had died at the door, the wind blew it away and I was left with no traces of her. I failed to protect her.

Cassidy's POV
"You worthless piece of sh$t" my father slapped me hard, I fell to the floor and spat out blood. I dropped his drink, and he flipped. "I'm s-s-sorry sir" I cried and he kicked my ribs, I heard a crack and screamed. "This hurts me more then it hurts you" my father said and slammed his foot in my stomach.

"Next time don't let it happen!" he screamed at me and walked away. My brother came out from behind the couch and fell to his knees beside me "CASSIE!" he screamed and shook me "come on stay awake" he sobbed as me eyes slid closed. "I love you K---"

I let out a scream and shot up, my ribs hurt, and my stomach hurt like hell. Pulling my shirt up I saw bruises, all along my body. I groaned in pain, it hurt everywhere.

What was the nightmare of? And why did it feel so real?

Angel meowed and pawed at my stomach, the little hit felt like a punch to my skin. I silently screamed, I needed to get up and got go school. I can't draw any suspicions. Struggling to get up I showered and threw on leggings,a white sweater, red scarf, cross ear rings, combat boots and a purse.

I French braided my hair and grabbed an orange. Limping my way down stairs to my car, I groaned when I sat down. The whole ride was painful, I couldn't move. Glancing at my clock I saw it was 7:39, pretty good I thought.

Pulling into the lot I sat in my car, panting from pain. It hurt, sweet baby Jesus. Getting slowly from my car I limped for the front doors but was crushed in a hug. I silently screamed and patted their back.

"Cassie are you ok?" Jakob asked and I nodded and moved past him. I made my way to my locker only to be hugged again, but tighter. "Sassy Cassy" Callum chirped but his face fell when he saw my pained expression. "You alright?" he asked concerned while I gritted my teeth.

"Fine" I hissed in pain and threw my locker open and threw my purse in. Laying my head on the cool metal I took deep breaths. "Cass why don't you go home, you look like shit" Callum whispered when we sat down. I shook my head.

The while day the pair asked multiple times if I needed to go home. But I stuck it out. I waited until all the girls left the locker room then I changed wincing as I did. Taking small steps and limping I climbed the stairs to PE.

Or my hell on earth.

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