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"Yeah Im ready"

As Guy gently lifts me out the window and wishes me well

walking around the village at night is always quite a experience

Seeing all the town lit up with their beautiful lights below the night sky and above looking at the stars twinkling

I made my way over to this small spot in the woods where there was a path up the mountain

I just want to feel close to Lee again and without him this is the only spot that will help

After awhile of hiking I made it finally...
To the dandelion field but what I didn't expect was to see him sitting right there

In the exact spot where our date was all those years ago


It's was Lee!

"Lee..." My voice was nearly a whisper

His head snapped my way and those big beautiful eye of his glowed like I've never seen.

He just sat there staring with tears

Did he think I wasn't real

He stood up and slowly walked over to me being very cautious

"Is... is this real?"

"Lee I'm real I'm here I'm finally here love" my sob was unbearable at this time I couldn't breath I was crying so much.

His arms grabbed my waist and he pulled me into the biggest bear hug that's hard to breath in. I didn't care though I was with Lee I was with my love and no one was going to take that away from me

"I- I thought you were one of the others doing transformation jutsu to make me happier again but ITS REALLY YOU ITS YOU!"

He started kissing my face all over

"I'm going to give you a kiss for every time I couldn't just so you know that all those years I still loved you and still madly in love with you"

"Lee your making me blush stop bahshah"

"No. I refuse to I must make up for those years I couldn't hold you!"

"Lee im so sorry for everything...Im sorry I left I really really am. I hope you know there wasnt a day where I didnt think about you constantly. Cause I love you so so much."

Lee just hugged you completly absorbing the moment not ever wanting to let you go incase he lost you again. He refused to ever let that happen ever.

You and Lee just sat there for what felt like hours but neither of you dared to move.


I come out to the field every night since she left it helps me feel closer to her to look at the moon and wonder if shes looking at the same one.

Its differnt today shes finally here shes actually here in the leaf village though I cant see her I was dragged out of her room cause I was told I need to take care of myself.

So now im just sitting here wondering if she will ever wake up... will she even want to be with me if she does.

Was I the reason she left..

No it cant be cause I know in her strange way she cares about me

My mind was racing until I sensed someone there with me

As I turned my head I thought I was hallucinating

She was there standing right there as beatiful as the day I lost her

For the past years I have been hallucinating that Y/n was there whether it be just standing in the road or her standing in my room every time it felt so real...so real


"Neji im telling you I SAW HER!"

Lee it was probably a hallucination again just like the time you saw her when we were training your imagining it"

"Neji I know I saw her at the gorge she was right there I know she was"

"Lee maybe you need some rest its been a long day" Ten Ten nudged slightly to get her friend to calm down

"NO TEN TEN I SAW HER I KNOW... I know I did ok.." my voice broke

"Im not saying you didnt Lee I just feel like you need some rest ok.."

I know what I saw..

(end of flashback)


Standing up I knew it was really her I belived it was, I needed too.

"Is..Is it really you..?"My face was drenched with tears while I slowly made my way over to her.

She started repeating she was finally here

my hallucinations never spoke so it was her!

It is actually HER!!

"MY Y/N!"

"My Everything..she is finally.. finally in my arms."

"Your safe now I have you and im never letting you go."

"Ever again"

I'm forever yours



GUYS ITS THE END IM SO SADDD!!! I hope you loved this story just as much as I did I kind of ended it short and I'm sorry for that but I'm gonna work on new stories and make them better and better <3 ALSO Sorry I havent posted yall Ive been caught up in school Hey so ive been thinking I dont really wanna show my face on here but if you really wanna know what i look like my tik tok is right below I post a ton of anime content and im trying to get more followers so if you could follow me ill follow you right back I promise! Bye loves see you in another story <3

Forever yours (Rock lee x reader)Where stories live. Discover now