3 weeks

741 22 8

(Lee's POV)





Quiet sobs could be heard in the distance combined with a soft rustling sound of the trees as if they were also crying in despair..but why

You had just escaped death from far off land ninjas and you've passed the second round of the exams

So why

Why is everything around you weeping to the sound of your slow but quiet breath

The noise was low but it shook your whole body to its core

"I... I can't see anything.. where am I?"

As you look around all you see is darkness and..


He's far away

Why is he on his knees crying

As I stand to come console Lee a shadow of a figure appears in front of you in this pitch black room you cannot make out who it was

..but wait!

I've seen those eyes before

How could I forget the eyes that have caused your body such immense pain

Those vicious yellow snake of eyes


He just sat there.. and stared

I tried to scream and shout him away trying to tell him your not afraid and you'd protect everyone if it meant the cost of your own life

He just stood there and stared...

Then he said just two words that shook me to the core

"Good luck"

Why... why good luck WHY DO I NEED GOOD LUCK!?

As his body faded away Lee appeared again on the floor crying

"Why do I always make him feel this way, I'm always making him cry.. I CANT DO ANYTHING RIGHT"

As you approached him you sat there and hugged him and rubbed his back.. though he didn't respond he just continue to cry


He looked up at you but it was if he looked straight through you as if i were just a meer whisper he heard

And just like that your eyes opened and.. you were awake

In the villages hospital?

You looked around briefly and saw flowers and baskets beside your bed

Forever yours (Rock lee x reader)Where stories live. Discover now