Ravine of solitude

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"So are you going to join us or not " Karin looked hesitant but ultimately decided she would be better off to go with us though she made the excuse

"IM NOT JOINING I JUST HAPPEN TO BE WALKING THE SAME WAY!" As Karin was huffing and puffing I was using my byakugan to search for any enemy's

"Ugh Sasuke when are we gonna be there huh I'm getting thirstyyy"

"Quiet Suigetsu we're almost there"

Ah so this is the northern hideout huh kinda bland and gross like every other one. I'm kinda getting tired of these hideouts they kinda freak me out

Suigetsu felt the same cause we both had the same disgusted look on our faces

"Let's just get Jugo and get out of here this place is already bad enough karins here" Suigetsu scoffed as I nodded my head, "EXUSE ME YOUR THE ONE THAT STINKYS UGHH!"

"Karin... Suigetsu cut it out we're at his cell"

Through the door we could here Jugo muttering to himself something like 'a girl no a boy' saying those lines back and forth

"NO A BOY!!" Jugo screamed as Sasuke opened the cell door Jugo lunching himself toward the dark haired boy.

Immediately Sasuke countered and mentioned kimimaro causing Jugo to pause remembering that Kimimaro once told jugo that if he was gone Sasuke is his successor and to protect him

Once Jugo calmed down Sasuke explained to the sociopath that he's needed on his team and since his old master/friend told him to follow Sasuke he obliged luckily for us Sasuke can control him pretty easily so hopefully we don't get killed in our sleep by him

"Alright we are team Hebi we have one goal and it's much greater than taking over the world. First stop, I'm avenging my clan and going to kill my elder brother Itachi Uchiha"

Great... more killing what a goodie mentally and physically I'm rolling my eyes

I'm already strong after learning from orochimaru so why am I even going around with these chumps

My only objective is to kill Itachi for murdering my mother in cold blood then I'm leaving

"So Sasuke what happens next." In all honesty you were just curious to figure out what's going though his head

"To find Itachi and kill him"

"Sheesh alright tough guy like it's that easy to find your illusive villain brother"

As you all kept walking you all got to a relatively small village that you'd rest at for tonight once everyone was settled you all decided to scope out the area to get a understanding of the landscape

Deciding to all split up Sasuke decides you'll go with Sasuke so he could have a sensory type ninja and the others would all split up and take something with his sent on it so no other sensory ninjas could find him since we all could figure the leaf would come to find him sooner or later

"Y/N if you want to kill my brother and let's say you succeed what happens then hm.."

"I- I have no idea I'm not sure what happens I can't see the future"

"Will you stay with me" Sasuke started to lean closer witch made me uncomfortable to say the least

"Um Sasuke I'm not sure" I tried laughing it off and making distance between us again

"You know your the first girl to not immediately swoon over me why is that"

"Sasuke I... you know I'm in love with Lee why are you asking these questions" My worried and confused Look started to show and Sasuke could clearly see it

"Forget it "Y/N it doesn't matter now"

"Sasuke I'm.. im sorry"

"JUST DONT TALK... please"

I was to caught up in our conversation to realize 2 strangers were coming closer to our exact location

"Is that Sasuke Uchiha I spot Tobi my man"

"I do think your right Deidara!" Tobi with his usual high pitch voice

"Huh who are these guys!?"

"They're Akatsuki get out of here Y/N I'll take care of them"

"Are you sure?" My tone became more and more nervous

"Yea get the hell out of here alright"

"A-Alright be careful" the Akatsuki are no joke I know I wouldn't be able to take those two guys on my own... I just have to trust Sasuke and get my ass away from that shit storm

I figured running away as far as I could would be my best bet instead of watching the fight from a distance cause in true actually I have no idea what I would do if Sasuke needed help cause if he can't take them I sure as hell can't


"Alright everyone you all have your tracking dogs let's split up and look for Sasuke and Y/N" Kakashi ordered and we all split off in the search

Y/N... please be out there somewhere

"Hey kid I'm picking up a scent here seems to be the girl and the guy is here but it's more faint" the ninja hound informed Lee it would probably be best to look for Y/N

"Alright let's go lead the way!"

Y/N I'm so close to finding you

Your almost in my reach

I can sense you and your beautiful presence

Please.... I just want to see you again

Ask you why

Why did you leave me...


I think I've ran far enough I made it to this ravine where I was unable to jump across so this is where I stop for now

I was just scoping the area until I heard the exact voice I feared to face

The voice that was the first true person to show me love

The one that held me when I was scared

And told me everything was going to be okay




Forever yours (Rock lee x reader)Where stories live. Discover now