The forest of death

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The next test wouldn't be as easy as the first. Our mission were to get the pairing of the scrolls and make our way to the finishing station where we'd wait for everyone to be finished.

To get through this neji must act like he gets along.. though truly he doesn't really get along with anyone cause he's always so meh. Which has always bothered me but I pushed that to the side.

Neji was handed one scroll that we must protect with our lives meanwhile finding another team that we can defeat and take the other half of the pair.

Soon after we were off sprinting into the forest legit named after dying..this couldn't be better

While neji and ten ten were trying to figure out a strategy I sat scanning with byakugan and I could feel a pair of eyes on me but I already knew who they were... even though lee needs to hide it it's so difficult but as long as I keep a iron wall around Lee when I'm near neji then it'll be ok.

Wait... guys I see something in the distance.. a snake? No.. no not orochimaru is here.. I have to get all of them away from him.

" that's a problem" neji said in his dull tone

"Well y/n go check it out I guess then." I could tell neji was eager to get rid of me but in this very moment that was perfect

Ok but you guys get away safely I don't know what that giant snake can do and for your safety I'd rather keep the scroll intact.

"Ok ten ten, lee let's go let y/n deal with this while we search for other teams that are weak."

And just like that all 3 of them were gone.. I could tell Lee was biting his lip cause he didnt want to say that he wanted to stay with me but he knew the suspicion behind that.

As I was coming closer to the noise I saw a team.. fighting the snake. What are they doing ARE THEY MAD!!

I sat it some bushes to get a better look and I noticed it was Sasuke who were the one fighting. It seemed that Sakura knew she had no chance and was keeping her distance.

Where is naruto? Isn't he supposed to be on there team?

I snuck my way around to Sakura but she seemed as if she were paralyzed... this can't be good.

Large snakes... paralysis.. this has to be orochimarus doing..

As that though shot through my head Sasuke was hit back and also paralyzed in..fear no.. a mark began to form on his lower neck... no.. no, this isn't good I need to get them out of here and stat.

Eh... I'm stuck.. no I can't be paralyzed to..


Huh!!! Sasuke stabbed himself to break the paralysis he's crazy

(It's been awhile since I've watched this so ima say be blacked out)

I was out... I'm cold... really cold. I feel as if something has been stricken on me.. it hurts.. I can't open my eyes.. I sense others around me... naruto.. Sasuke there here but in the same state as me..?

Sakura.. she's awake.. she's taking care of us. Why me im not her teammate..

There's others! There hostile... they don't just want there scroll but our lives! I can feel how dangerous they are.

Lee's POV:

Did you hear that!

"It was probably nothing Lee let's just keep moving" neji didn't seem to have a care in the world about a thing

Wait I have a great Idea... hmmm maybe neji will listen if I say they might be weak

But what if they are a weaker team then we could get there scroll and finish our test!

"That sounds like a good idea Lee" Ten Ten encouraged

"Fine but if it's bad we're out got it lee"


All 3 of us made our way to the commotion something in the pit of my stomach said I didn't wanna see whatever was happening.. but I need to know if y/n if safe.

Us three nuzzled into a bush to get a clear view on the commotion and when we got to see it made me go pale...

It was Sakura protecting her teammates against 3 strong ninja who clearly were there to do more than stealing there scroll... wait.. is that.. no please.


She's there... she looks hurt.. no no no this can't be happening.

"I know you see her lee but we cannot just rush in there" neji seemed somewhat worried.. not for y/n though but the fact that I wanted to intervene

"Let Sakura handle this and then we may help but with this commotion others will make there way here."

...I can't just sit here and stand still...

Y/n please be ok...

Forever yours (Rock lee x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora